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Namespace CreateSensitiveColumnDetails

Details to create a new sensitive column in a sensitive data model.


Optional appDefinedChildColumnKeys

appDefinedChildColumnKeys: Array<string>

Unique keys identifying the columns that are application-level (non-dictionary) children of the sensitive column. This attribute can be used to establish relationship between columns in a sensitive data model. Note that the child columns must be added to the sensitive data model before their keys can be specified here. If this attribute is provided, the parentColumnKeys and relationType attributes of the child columns are automatically updated to reflect the relationship.

Optional appName

appName: undefined | string

The name of the application associated with the sensitive column. It's useful when the application name is different from the schema name. Otherwise, it can be ignored. If this attribute is not provided, it's automatically populated with the value provided for the schemaName attribute.


columnName: string

The name of the sensitive column.

Optional dataType

dataType: undefined | string

The data type of the sensitive column.

Optional dbDefinedChildColumnKeys

dbDefinedChildColumnKeys: Array<string>

Unique keys identifying the columns that are database-level (dictionary-defined) children of the sensitive column. This attribute can be used to establish relationship between columns in a sensitive data model. Note that the child columns must be added to the sensitive data model before their keys can be specified here. If this attribute is provided, the parentColumnKeys and relationType attributes of the child columns are automatically updated to reflect the relationship.


objectName: string

The database object that contains the sensitive column.

Optional objectType

objectType: ObjectType

The type of the database object that contains the sensitive column.

Optional parentColumnKeys

parentColumnKeys: Array<string>

Unique keys identifying the columns that are parents of the sensitive column. At present, it accepts only one parent column key. This attribute can be used to establish relationship between columns in a sensitive data model. Note that the parent column must be added to the sensitive data model before its key can be specified here. If this attribute is provided, the appDefinedChildColumnKeys or dbDefinedChildColumnKeys attribute of the parent column is automatically updated to reflect the relationship.

Optional relationType

relationType: RelationType

The type of referential relationship the sensitive column has with its parent. NONE indicates that the sensitive column does not have a parent. DB_DEFINED indicates that the relationship is defined in the database dictionary. APP_DEFINED indicates that the relationship is defined at the application level and not in the database dictionary.


schemaName: string

The database schema that contains the sensitive column.

Optional sensitiveTypeId

sensitiveTypeId: undefined | string

The OCID of the sensitive type to be associated with the sensitive column.

Optional status

status: Status

The status of the sensitive column. VALID means the column is considered sensitive. INVALID means the column is not considered sensitive. Tracking invalid columns in a sensitive data model helps ensure that an incremental data discovery job does not identify these columns as sensitive.


