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Namespace CustomExpressionQueryScalingConfiguration

The scaling configuration for the custom metric expression rule.


Optional instanceCountAdjustment

instanceCountAdjustment: undefined | number

The value is used for adjusting the count of instances by. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional pendingDuration

pendingDuration: undefined | string

The period of time that the condition defined in the alarm must persist before the alarm state changes from "OK" to "FIRING" or vice versa. For example, a value of 5 minutes means that the alarm must persist in breaching the condition for five minutes before the alarm updates its state to "FIRING"; likewise, the alarm must persist in not breaching the condition for five minutes before the alarm updates its state to "OK."

The duration is specified as a string in ISO 8601 format ({@code PT10M} for ten minutes or {@code PT1H} for one hour). Minimum: PT3M. Maximum: PT1H. Default: PT3M.


query: string

The Monitoring Query Language (MQL) expression to evaluate for the alarm. The Alarms feature of the Monitoring service interprets results for each returned time series as Boolean values, where zero represents false and a non-zero value represents true. A true value means that the trigger rule condition has been met. The query must specify a metric, statistic, interval, and trigger rule (threshold or absence). Supported values for interval: {@code 1m}-{@code 60m} (also {@code 1h}). You can optionally specify dimensions and grouping functions. Supported grouping functions: {@code grouping()}, {@code groupBy()}.

Example of threshold alarm:


CPUUtilization[1m]{resourceId = \"MODEL_DEPLOYMENT_OCID\"}.grouping().mean() < 25 CPUUtilization[1m]{resourceId = \"MODEL_DEPLOYMENT_OCID\"}.grouping().mean() > 75


Const scalingConfigurationType

scalingConfigurationType: string = "QUERY"


