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Namespace ModelProvenance

Model provenance gives data scientists information about the origin of their model. This information allows data scientists to reproduce the development environment in which the model was trained.


Optional gitBranch

gitBranch: undefined | string

For model reproducibility purposes. Branch of the git repository associated with model training.

Optional gitCommit

gitCommit: undefined | string

For model reproducibility purposes. Commit ID of the git repository associated with model training.

Optional repositoryUrl

repositoryUrl: undefined | string

For model reproducibility purposes. URL of the git repository associated with model training.

Optional scriptDir

scriptDir: undefined | string

For model reproducibility purposes. Path to model artifacts.

Optional trainingId

trainingId: undefined | string

The OCID of a training session(Job or NotebookSession) in which the model was trained. It is used for model reproducibility purposes.

Optional trainingScript

trainingScript: undefined | string

For model reproducibility purposes. Path to the python script or notebook in which the model was trained."


