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Namespace SummarizeTextDetails

Details for the request to summarize text.


Optional additionalCommand

additionalCommand: undefined | string

A free-form instruction for modifying how the summaries get generated. Should complete the sentence "Generate a summary _". For example, "focusing on the next steps" or "written by Yoda".


compartmentId: string

The OCID of compartment in which to call the Generative AI service to summarize text.

Optional extractiveness

extractiveness: Extractiveness

Controls how close to the original text the summary is. High extractiveness summaries will lean towards reusing sentences verbatim, while low extractiveness summaries will tend to paraphrase more.

Optional format

format: Format

Indicates the style in which the summary will be delivered - in a free form paragraph or in bullet points. If "AUTO" is selected, the best option will be picked based on the input text.


input: string

The input string to be summarized.

Optional isEcho

isEcho: undefined | false | true

Whether or not to include the original inputs in the response.

Optional length

length: Length

Indicates the approximate length of the summary. If "AUTO" is selected, the best option will be picked based on the input text.


Optional temperature

temperature: undefined | number

A number that sets the randomness of the generated output. Lower temperatures mean less random generations.

Use lower numbers for tasks with a correct answer such as question answering or summarizing. High temperatures can generate hallucinations or factually incorrect information. Start with temperatures lower than 1.0, and increase the temperature for more creative outputs, as you regenerate the prompts to refine the outputs. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.


