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Namespace CreatePostgresqlConnectionDetails

The information about a new PostgreSQL Connection.


Optional additionalAttributes

additionalAttributes: Array<NameValuePair>

An array of name-value pair attribute entries. Used as additional parameters in connection string.


compartmentId: string

The OCID of the compartment being referenced.

Const connectionType

connectionType: string = "POSTGRESQL"


databaseName: string

The name of the database.

Optional dbSystemId

dbSystemId: undefined | string

The OCID of the database system being referenced.

Optional definedTags

definedTags: undefined | object

Tags defined for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.

Example: {@code {\"foo-namespace\": {\"bar-key\": \"value\"}}}

Optional description

description: undefined | string

Metadata about this specific object.


displayName: string

An object's Display Name.

Optional freeformTags

freeformTags: undefined | object

A simple key-value pair that is applied without any predefined name, type, or scope. Exists for cross-compatibility only.

Example: {@code {\"bar-key\": \"value\"}}

Optional host

host: undefined | string

The name or address of a host.

Optional keyId

keyId: undefined | string

Refers to the customer's master key OCID. If provided, it references a key to manage secrets. Customers must add policies to permit GoldenGate to use this key.

Optional locks

Locks associated with this resource.

Optional nsgIds

nsgIds: Array<string>

An array of Network Security Group OCIDs used to define network access for either Deployments or Connections.


password: string

The password Oracle GoldenGate uses to connect the associated system of the given technology. It must conform to the specific security requirements including length, case sensitivity, and so on.

Optional port

port: undefined | number

The port of an endpoint usually specified for a connection. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional privateIp

privateIp: undefined | string

Deprecated: this field will be removed in future versions. Either specify the private IP in the connectionString or host field, or make sure the host name is resolvable in the target VCN.

The private IP address of the connection's endpoint in the customer's VCN, typically a database endpoint or a big data endpoint (e.g. Kafka bootstrap server). In case the privateIp is provided, the subnetId must also be provided. In case the privateIp (and the subnetId) is not provided it is assumed the datasource is publicly accessible. In case the connection is accessible only privately, the lack of privateIp will result in not being able to access the connection.

Optional routingMethod

routingMethod: model.RoutingMethod

Controls the network traffic direction to the target: SHARED_SERVICE_ENDPOINT: Traffic flows through the Goldengate Service's network to public hosts. Cannot be used for private targets. SHARED_DEPLOYMENT_ENDPOINT: Network traffic flows from the assigned deployment's private endpoint through the deployment's subnet. DEDICATED_ENDPOINT: A dedicated private endpoint is created in the target VCN subnet for the connection. The subnetId is required when DEDICATED_ENDPOINT networking is selected.


securityProtocol: string

Security protocol for PostgreSQL.

Optional sslCa

sslCa: undefined | string

The base64 encoded certificate of the trusted certificate authorities (Trusted CA) for PostgreSQL. The supported file formats are .pem and .crt.

Optional sslCert

sslCert: undefined | string

The base64 encoded certificate of the PostgreSQL server. The supported file formats are .pem and .crt.

Optional sslCrl

sslCrl: undefined | string

The base64 encoded list of certificates revoked by the trusted certificate authorities (Trusted CA).

Optional sslKey

sslKey: undefined | string

The base64 encoded private key of the PostgreSQL server. The supported file formats are .pem and .crt.

Optional sslMode

sslMode: undefined | string

SSL modes for PostgreSQL.

Optional subnetId

subnetId: undefined | string

The OCID of the target subnet of the dedicated connection.


technologyType: string

The PostgreSQL technology type.


username: string

The username Oracle GoldenGate uses to connect the associated system of the given technology. This username must already exist and be available by the system/application to be connected to and must conform to the case sensitivty requirments defined in it.

Optional vaultId

vaultId: undefined | string

Refers to the customer's vault OCID. If provided, it references a vault where GoldenGate can manage secrets. Customers must add policies to permit GoldenGate to manage secrets contained within this vault.


