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Namespace AppGroupAssertionAttributes

Each value of this attribute describes an attribute of Group that will be sent in a Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) assertion.

*Deprecated Since: 18.2.2**

*SCIM++ Properties:** - caseExact: false - idcsCompositeKey: [name] - idcsSearchable: false - idcsValuePersistedInOtherAttribute: true - multiValued: true - mutability: readWrite - required: false - returned: default - type: complex - uniqueness: none


Optional condition

condition: undefined | string

Indicates the filter types that are supported for the Group assertion attributes.

*Deprecated Since: 18.2.2**

*SCIM++ Properties:** - caseExact: false - idcsSearchable: false - idcsValuePersistedInOtherAttribute: true - multiValued: false - mutability: readWrite - required: false - returned: default - type: string - uniqueness: none

Optional format

format: undefined | string

Indicates the format of the assertion attribute.

*Deprecated Since: 18.2.2**

*SCIM++ Properties:** - caseExact: true - idcsSearchable: false - idcsValuePersistedInOtherAttribute: true - multiValued: false - mutability: readWrite - required: false - returned: default - type: string - uniqueness: none

Optional groupName

groupName: undefined | string

Indicates the group name that are supported for the group assertion attributes.

*Deprecated Since: 18.2.2**

*SCIM++ Properties:** - caseExact: true - idcsSearchable: false - idcsValuePersistedInOtherAttribute: true - multiValued: false - mutability: readWrite - required: false - returned: default - type: string - uniqueness: none


name: string

The attribute represents the name of the attribute that will be used in the Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) assertion

*Deprecated Since: 18.2.2**

*SCIM++ Properties:** - caseExact: false - idcsSearchable: false - idcsValuePersistedInOtherAttribute: true - multiValued: false - mutability: readWrite - required: true - returned: default - type: string - uniqueness: none


