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Namespace UserExtAccounts

Accounts assigned to this User. Each value of this attribute refers to an app-specific identity that is owned by this User. Therefore, this attribute is a convenience that allows one to see on each User the Apps to which that User has access.

*SCIM++ Properties:** - idcsPii: true - idcsSearchable: true - multiValued: true - mutability: readOnly - required: false - returned: request - type: complex - uniqueness: none


Optional active

active: undefined | false | true

Status of the account

*Added In:** 17.4.6

*SCIM++ Properties:** - idcsSearchable: true - multiValued: false - mutability: readOnly - required: false - returned: default - type: boolean - uniqueness: none

Optional appId

appId: undefined | string

The ID of the App to which this Account gives access.

*SCIM++ Properties:** - caseExact: true - idcsSearchable: true - multiValued: false - mutability: readOnly - required: false - returned: default - type: string - uniqueness: none

Optional name

name: undefined | string

Name of the account assigned to the User.

*Added In:** 17.4.6

*SCIM++ Properties:** - caseExact: true - idcsSearchable: true - multiValued: false - mutability: readOnly - required: false - returned: default - type: string - uniqueness: none

Optional ref

ref: undefined | string

The URI of the Account assigned to the User.

*SCIM++ Properties:** - idcsSearchable: false - multiValued: false - mutability: readOnly - required: false - returned: default - type: reference - uniqueness: none

Optional value

value: undefined | string

The Id of the Account assigned to the User.

*SCIM++ Properties:** - caseExact: true - idcsSearchable: true - multiValued: false - mutability: readOnly - required: false - returned: always - type: string - uniqueness: none


