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Namespace FieldsAddRemoveField

Field denoting a field specified in querylanguage FIELDS command.


Optional alias

alias: undefined | string

Alias of field if renamed by queryStrng.

Optional displayName

displayName: undefined | string

Field display name - will be alias if field is renamed by queryStrng.

Optional filterQueryString

filterQueryString: undefined | string

Query used to derive this field if specified.

Optional internalName

internalName: undefined | string

Internal identifier for the field.

Optional isDeclared

isDeclared: undefined | false | true

Field denoting if this is a declaration of the field in the queryString.

Optional isDuration

isDuration: undefined | false | true

Identifies if this field format is a duration.

Optional isGroupable

isGroupable: undefined | false | true

Identifies if this field can be used as a grouping field in any grouping command.

Const name

name: string = "FIELDS"

Optional operation

operation: Operation

Denotes if field entry in FIELDS command is to show / hide field in results.

Optional originalDisplayNames

originalDisplayNames: Array<string>

Same as displayName unless field renamed in which case this will hold the original display names for the field across all renames.

Optional unitType

unitType: undefined | string

Field denoting field unit type.

Optional valueType

valueType: model.ValueType

Field denoting field data type.


