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Namespace AlarmOverride

Values to use for an independent evaluation of the alarm. You can specify values for query, severity, body, and pending duration. When an alarm contains overrides, the Monitoring service evaluates each override in order, beginning with the first override in the array (index position {@code 0}), and then evaluates the alarm's base values ({@code ruleName} value of {@code BASE})


Optional body

body: undefined | string

The human-readable content of the delivered alarm notification. Optionally include dynamic variables. Oracle recommends providing guidance to operators for resolving the alarm condition. Consider adding links to standard runbook practices. Avoid entering confidential information.

Example: {@code High CPU usage alert. Follow runbook instructions for resolution.}

Optional pendingDuration

pendingDuration: undefined | string

The period of time that the condition defined in the alarm must persist before the alarm state changes from "OK" to "FIRING". For example, a value of 5 minutes means that the alarm must persist in breaching the condition for five minutes before the alarm updates its state to "FIRING".

The duration is specified as a string in ISO 8601 format ({@code PT10M} for ten minutes or {@code PT1H} for one hour). Minimum: PT1M. Maximum: PT1H. Default: PT1M.

Under the default value of PT1M, the first evaluation that breaches the alarm updates the state to \"FIRING\".

The alarm updates its status to \"OK\" when the breaching condition has been clear for the most recent minute.

Example: {@code PT5M}

Optional query

query: undefined | string

The Monitoring Query Language (MQL) expression to evaluate for the alarm. The Alarms feature of the Monitoring service interprets results for each returned time series as Boolean values, where zero represents false and a non-zero value represents true. A true value means that the trigger rule condition has been met. The query must specify a metric, statistic, interval, and trigger rule (threshold or absence). Supported values for interval depend on the specified time range. More interval values are supported for smaller time ranges. You can optionally specify dimensions and grouping functions. Also, you can customize the absence detection period. Supported grouping functions: {@code grouping()}, {@code groupBy()}. For information about writing MQL expressions, see Editing the MQL Expression for a Query. For details about MQL, see Monitoring Query Language (MQL) Reference. For available dimensions, review the metric definition for the supported service. See Supported Services.

Example of threshold alarm:


CpuUtilization[1m]{availabilityDomain=\"cumS:PHX-AD-1\"}.groupBy(availabilityDomain).percentile(0.9) > 85


Example of absence alarm:



----- Example of absence alarm with custom absence detection period of 20 hours:



Optional ruleName

ruleName: undefined | string

A user-friendly description for this alarm override. Must be unique across all {@code ruleName} values for the alarm.

Optional severity

severity: undefined | string

The perceived severity of the alarm with regard to the affected system.

Example: {@code CRITICAL}


