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Namespace BackendSummary

The configuration of a backend server that is a member of a network load balancer backend set. For more information, see Managing Backend Servers.


Optional ipAddress

ipAddress: undefined | string

The IP address of the backend server. Example: {@code}

Optional isBackup

isBackup: undefined | false | true

Whether the network load balancer should treat this server as a backup unit. If {@code true}, then the network load balancer forwards no ingress traffic to this backend server unless all other backend servers not marked as "isBackup" fail the health check policy.

Example: {@code false}

Optional isDrain

isDrain: undefined | false | true

Whether the network load balancer should drain this server. Servers marked "isDrain" receive no incoming traffic.

Example: {@code false}

Optional isOffline

isOffline: undefined | false | true

Whether the network load balancer should treat this server as offline. Offline servers receive no incoming traffic.

Example: {@code false}

Optional name

name: undefined | string

A read-only field showing the IP address/IP OCID and port that uniquely identify this backend server in the backend set.

Example: {@code}, or {@code ocid1.privateip..oc1.<unique_ID>:443} or {@code}


port: number

The communication port for the backend server.

Example: {@code 8080} Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional targetId

targetId: undefined | string

The IP OCID/Instance OCID associated with the backend server. Example: {@code ocid1.privateip..oc1.<unique_ID>}

Optional weight

weight: undefined | number

The network load balancing policy weight assigned to the server. Backend servers with a higher weight receive a larger proportion of incoming traffic. For example, a server weighted '3' receives three times the number of new connections as a server weighted '1'. For more information about load balancing policies, see How Network Load Balancing Policies Work.

Example: {@code 3} Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.


