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Namespace InitialClusterConfiguration

Details of the initial Cluster of SDDC.


Optional capacityReservationId

capacityReservationId: undefined | string

The OCID of the Capacity Reservation.


computeAvailabilityDomain: string

The availability domain to create the Cluster's ESXi hosts in. For multi-AD Cluster deployment, set to {@code multi-AD}.

Optional datastores

datastores: Array<DatastoreInfo>

A list of datastore info for the Cluster. This value is required only when {@code initialHostShapeName} is a standard shape.

Optional displayName

displayName: undefined | string

A descriptive name for the Cluster. Cluster name requirements are 1-16 character length limit, Must start with a letter, Must be English letters, numbers, - only, No repeating hyphens, Must be unique within the region. Avoid entering confidential information.


esxiHostsCount: number

The number of ESXi hosts to create in the Cluster. You can add more hosts later (see {@link #createEsxiHost(CreateEsxiHostRequest) createEsxiHost}). Creating a Cluster with a ESXi host count of 1 will be considered a single ESXi host Cluster.

*Note:** If you later delete EXSi hosts from a production Cluster to total less than 3, you are still billed for the 3 minimum recommended ESXi hosts. Also, you cannot add more VMware workloads to the Cluster until it again has at least 3 ESXi hosts. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional initialCommitment

initialCommitment: model.Commitment

The billing option selected during Cluster creation. {@link #listSupportedCommitments(ListSupportedCommitmentsRequest) listSupportedCommitments}.

Optional initialHostOcpuCount

initialHostOcpuCount: undefined | number

The initial OCPU count of the Cluster's ESXi hosts. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional initialHostShapeName

initialHostShapeName: undefined | string

The initial compute shape of the Cluster's ESXi hosts. {@link #listSupportedHostShapes(ListSupportedHostShapesRequest) listSupportedHostShapes}.

Optional instanceDisplayNamePrefix

instanceDisplayNamePrefix: undefined | string

A prefix used in the name of each ESXi host and Compute instance in the Cluster. If this isn't set, the Cluster's {@code displayName} is used as the prefix.

For example, if the value is {@code myCluster}, the ESXi hosts are named {@code myCluster-1}, {@code myCluster-2}, and so on.

Optional isShieldedInstanceEnabled

isShieldedInstanceEnabled: undefined | false | true

Indicates whether shielded instance is enabled for this Cluster.


networkConfiguration: NetworkConfiguration


vsphereType: VsphereTypes

vSphere Cluster types.

Optional workloadNetworkCidr

workloadNetworkCidr: undefined | string

The CIDR block for the IP addresses that VMware VMs in the Cluster use to run application workloads.


