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Namespace UpdateModuleStreamDetails

Information detailing the state of a module stream


Optional isDefault

isDefault: undefined | false | true

Indicates if the module stream is the default

Optional profiles

The profiles of the stream

Optional softwareSourceName

softwareSourceName: undefined | string

The name of the software source that publishes this stream.

Optional softwareSourceUrl

softwareSourceUrl: undefined | string

The URL of the software source that publishes this stream.


status: Status

The status of the stream

A stream with the \"ENABLED\" status can be used as a source for installing profiles. Streams with this status are also \"ACTIVE\".

A stream with the \"DISABLED\" status cannot be the source for installing profiles. To install profiles and packages from this stream, it must be enabled.

A stream with the \"ACTIVE\" status can be used as a source for installing profiles. The packages that comprise the stream are also used when a matching package is installed directly. In general, a stream can have this status if it is the default stream for the module and no stream has been explicitly enabled.


streamName: string

The name of the stream of the parent module


timeModified: Date

The date and time of the last status change for this object, as described in RFC 3339, section 14.29.


