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Namespace TerraformAdvancedOptions

Specifies advanced options for Terraform commands. These options are not necessary for normal usage of Terraform.


Optional detailedLogLevel

detailedLogLevel: DetailedLogLevel

Enables detailed logs at the specified verbosity for running the job (operation).

Optional isRefreshRequired

isRefreshRequired: undefined | false | true

Specifies whether to refresh the state for each resource before running the job (operation). Refreshing the state can affect performance. Consider setting to {@code false} if the configuration includes several resources. Used with the following operations: {@code PLAN}, {@code APPLY}, {@code DESTROY}.

Optional parallelism

parallelism: undefined | number

Limits the number of concurrent Terraform operations when walking the graph. Use this parameter to help debug Terraform issues or to accomplish certain special use cases. A higher value might cause resources to be throttled. Used with the following operations: {@code PLAN}, {@code APPLY}, {@code DESTROY}. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.


