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Namespace Schedule

A Schedule describes the date and time when an operation will be or has been applied to a set of resources. You must specify either the resources directly or provide a set of resource filters to select the resources.

To use any of the API operations, you must be authorized in an IAM policy. If you're not authorized, contact your administrator. If you're an administrator who needs to write policies to give users access, see [Getting Started with Policies](https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/Identity/policiesgs/get-started-with-policies.htm).



action: Action

This is the action that will be executed by the schedule.


compartmentId: string

The OCID of the compartment in which the schedule is created


definedTags: object

These are defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace. For more information, see Resource Tags.

Example: {@code {\"Operations\": {\"CostCenter\": \"42\"}}}

Type declaration

  • [key: string]: object
    • [key: string]: any

Optional description

description: undefined | string

This is the description of the schedule.


displayName: string

This is a user-friendly name for the schedule. It does not have to be unique, and it's changeable.


freeformTags: object

These are free-form tags for this resource. Each tag is a simple key-value pair with no predefined name, type, or namespace. For more information, see Resource Tags.

Example: {@code {\"Department\": \"Finance\"}}

Type declaration

  • [key: string]: string


id: string

The OCID of the schedule


lifecycleState: LifecycleState

This is the current state of a schedule.


recurrenceDetails: string

This is the frequency of recurrence of a schedule. The frequency field can either conform to RFC-5545 formatting or UNIX cron formatting for recurrences, based on the value specified by the recurrenceType field.


recurrenceType: RecurrenceType

Type of recurrence of a schedule

Optional resourceFilters

resourceFilters: Array<ResourceFilter>

This is a list of resources filters. The schedule will be applied to resources matching all of them.

Optional resources

resources: Array<Resource>

This is the list of resources to which the scheduled operation is applied.

Optional systemTags

systemTags: undefined | object

These are system tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.

Example: {@code {\"orcl-cloud\": {\"free-tier-retained\": \"true\"}}}


timeCreated: Date

This is the date and time the schedule was created, in the format defined by RFC 3339.

Example: {@code 2016-08-25T21:10:29.600Z}

Optional timeEnds

timeEnds: Date

This is the date and time the schedule ends, in the format defined by RFC 3339

Example: {@code 2016-08-25T21:10:29.600Z}

Optional timeLastRun

timeLastRun: Date

This is the date and time the schedule runs last time, in the format defined by RFC 3339.

Example: {@code 2016-08-25T21:10:29.600Z}

Optional timeNextRun

timeNextRun: Date

This is the date and time the schedule run the next time, in the format defined by RFC 3339.

Example: {@code 2016-08-25T21:10:29.600Z}

Optional timeStarts

timeStarts: Date

This is the date and time the schedule starts, in the format defined by RFC 3339

Example: {@code 2016-08-25T21:10:29.600Z}

Optional timeUpdated

timeUpdated: Date

This is the date and time the schedule was updated, in the format defined by RFC 3339.

Example: {@code 2016-08-25T21:10:29.600Z}



  • getDeserializedJsonObj(obj: Schedule): object
