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Namespace SecretExpiryRule

A rule that helps enforce the expiration of a secret's contents.


Optional isSecretContentRetrievalBlockedOnExpiry

isSecretContentRetrievalBlockedOnExpiry: undefined | false | true

A property indicating whether to block retrieval of the secret content, on expiry. The default is false. If the secret has already expired and you would like to retrieve the secret contents, you need to edit the secret rule to disable this property, to allow reading the secret content.

Const ruleType

ruleType: string = "SECRET_EXPIRY_RULE"

Optional secretVersionExpiryInterval

secretVersionExpiryInterval: undefined | string

A property indicating how long the secret contents will be considered valid, expressed in ISO 8601 format. The secret needs to be updated when the secret content expires. The timer resets after you update the secret contents. The minimum value is 1 day and the maximum value is 90 days for this property. Currently, only intervals expressed in days are supported. For example, pass {@code P3D} to have the secret version expire every 3 days.

Optional timeOfAbsoluteExpiry

timeOfAbsoluteExpiry: Date

An optional property indicating the absolute time when this secret will expire, expressed in RFC 3339 timestamp format. The minimum number of days from current time is 1 day and the maximum number of days from current time is 365 days. Example: {@code 2019-04-03T21:10:29.600Z}


