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Namespace DbNodeSummary

A server where Oracle Database software is running.

To use any of the API operations, you must be authorized in an IAM policy. If you're not authorized, talk to an administrator. If you're an administrator who needs to write policies to give users access, see [Getting Started with Policies](https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/Content/Identity/Concepts/policygetstarted.htm).

*Warning:** Oracle recommends that you avoid using any confidential information when you supply string values using the API.


Optional additionalDetails

additionalDetails: undefined | string

Additional information about the planned maintenance.

Optional backupIpId

backupIpId: undefined | string

The OCID of the backup IP address associated with the database node. Use this OCID with either the {@link #getPrivateIp(GetPrivateIpRequest) getPrivateIp} or the {@link #getPublicIpByPrivateIpId(GetPublicIpByPrivateIpIdRequest) getPublicIpByPrivateIpId} API to get the IP address needed to make a database connection.

*Note:** Applies only to Exadata Cloud Service.

Optional backupVnic2Id

backupVnic2Id: undefined | string

The OCID of the second backup VNIC.

*Note:** Applies only to Exadata Cloud Service.

Optional backupVnicId

backupVnicId: undefined | string

The OCID of the backup VNIC.

Optional cpuCoreCount

cpuCoreCount: undefined | number

The number of CPU cores enabled on the Db node. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional dbNodeStorageSizeInGBs

dbNodeStorageSizeInGBs: undefined | number

The allocated local node storage in GBs on the Db node. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional dbServerId

dbServerId: undefined | string

The OCID of the Exacc Db server associated with the database node.


dbSystemId: string

The OCID of the DB system.

Optional definedTags

definedTags: undefined | object

Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace. For more information, see Resource Tags.

Optional faultDomain

faultDomain: undefined | string

The name of the Fault Domain the instance is contained in.

Optional freeformTags

freeformTags: undefined | object

Free-form tags for this resource. Each tag is a simple key-value pair with no predefined name, type, or namespace. For more information, see Resource Tags.

Example: {@code {\"Department\": \"Finance\"}}

Optional hostIpId

hostIpId: undefined | string

The OCID of the host IP address associated with the database node. Use this OCID with either the {@link #getPrivateIp(GetPrivateIpRequest) getPrivateIp} or the {@link #getPublicIpByPrivateIpId(GetPublicIpByPrivateIpIdRequest) getPublicIpByPrivateIpId} API to get the IP address needed to make a database connection.

*Note:** Applies only to Exadata Cloud Service.

Optional hostname

hostname: undefined | string

The host name for the database node.


id: string

The OCID of the database node.

Optional lifecycleDetails

lifecycleDetails: undefined | string

Information about the current lifecycle state.


lifecycleState: LifecycleState

The current state of the database node.

Optional maintenanceType

maintenanceType: MaintenanceType

The type of database node maintenance.

Optional memorySizeInGBs

memorySizeInGBs: undefined | number

The allocated memory in GBs on the Db node. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional softwareStorageSizeInGB

softwareStorageSizeInGB: undefined | number

The size (in GB) of the block storage volume allocation for the DB system. This attribute applies only for virtual machine DB systems. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.


timeCreated: Date

The date and time that the database node was created.

Optional timeMaintenanceWindowEnd

timeMaintenanceWindowEnd: Date

End date and time of maintenance window.

Optional timeMaintenanceWindowStart

timeMaintenanceWindowStart: Date

Start date and time of maintenance window.

Optional totalCpuCoreCount

totalCpuCoreCount: undefined | number

The total number of CPU cores reserved on the Db node. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional vnic2Id

vnic2Id: undefined | string

The OCID of the second VNIC.

*Note:** Applies only to Exadata Cloud Service.


vnicId: string

The OCID of the VNIC.


