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Namespace Suppression

The full information representing an email suppression.



compartmentId: string

The OCID of the compartment to contain the suppression. Since suppressions are at the customer level, this must be the tenancy OCID.


emailAddress: string

Email address of the suppression.

Optional errorDetail

errorDetail: undefined | string

The specific error message returned by a system that resulted in the suppression. This message is usually an SMTP error code with additional descriptive text. Not provided for all types of suppressions.

Optional errorSource

errorSource: undefined | string

DNS name of the source of the error that caused the suppression. Will be set to either the remote-mta or reporting-mta field from a delivery status notification (RFC 3464) when available. Not provided for all types of suppressions, and not always known.

Note: Most SMTP errors that cause suppressions come from software run by email receiving systems rather than from OCI email delivery itself.


id: string

The unique ID of the suppression.

Optional messageId

messageId: undefined | string

The value of the Message-ID header from the email that triggered a suppression. This value is as defined in RFC 5322 section 3.6.4, excluding angle-brackets. Not provided for all types of suppressions.

Optional reason

reason: model.SuppressionReason

The reason that the email address was suppressed. For more information on the types of bounces, see Suppression List.

Optional timeCreated

timeCreated: Date

The date and time the suppression was added in "YYYY-MM-ddThh:mmZ" format with a Z offset, as defined by RFC 3339.

Optional timeLastSuppressed

timeLastSuppressed: Date

The last date and time the suppression prevented submission in "YYYY-MM-ddThh:mmZ" format with a Z offset, as defined by RFC 3339.


