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Namespace SnapshotSchedule

The snapshot schedule is a structure within a parent file system snapshot policy. It contains data about the frequency of snapshot creation and the retention time of the taken snapshots.


Optional dayOfMonth

dayOfMonth: undefined | number

The day of the month to create a scheduled snapshot. If the day does not exist for the month, snapshot creation will be skipped. Used for MONTHLY and YEARLY snapshot schedules. If not set, the system chooses a value at creation time. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional dayOfWeek

dayOfWeek: DayOfWeek

The day of the week to create a scheduled snapshot. Used for WEEKLY snapshot schedules. If not set, the system chooses a value at creation time.

Optional hourOfDay

hourOfDay: undefined | number

The hour of the day to create a DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY, or YEARLY snapshot. If not set, the system chooses a value at creation time. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional month

month: Month

The month to create a scheduled snapshot. Used only for YEARLY snapshot schedules. If not set, the system chooses a value at creation time.


period: Period

The frequency of scheduled snapshots.

Optional retentionDurationInSeconds

retentionDurationInSeconds: undefined | number

The number of seconds to retain snapshots created with this schedule. Snapshot expiration time will not be set if this value is empty. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional schedulePrefix

schedulePrefix: undefined | string

A name prefix to be applied to snapshots created by this schedule.

Example: {@code compliance1}

Optional timeScheduleStart

timeScheduleStart: Date

The starting point used to begin the scheduling of the snapshots based upon recurrence string in RFC 3339 timestamp format. If no {@code timeScheduleStart} is provided, the value will be set to the time when the schedule was created.


timeZone: TimeZone

Time zone used for scheduling the snapshot.


