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Namespace UpdateAzureDataLakeStorageConnectionDetails

The information to update a Azure Data Lake Storage Connection.


Optional accountKey

accountKey: undefined | string

Azure storage account key. This property is required when 'authenticationType' is set to 'SHARED_KEY'. e.g.: pa3WbhVATzj56xD4DH1VjOUhApRGEGHvOo58eQJVWIzX+j8j4CUVFcTjpIqDSRaSa1Wo2LbWY5at+AStEgLOIQ==

Optional accountName

accountName: undefined | string

Sets the Azure storage account name.

Optional authenticationType

authenticationType: undefined | string

Used authentication mechanism to access Azure Data Lake Storage.

Optional azureTenantId

azureTenantId: undefined | string

Azure tenant ID of the application. This property is required when 'authenticationType' is set to 'AZURE_ACTIVE_DIRECTORY'. e.g.: 14593954-d337-4a61-a364-9f758c64f97f

Optional clientId

clientId: undefined | string

Azure client ID of the application. This property is required when 'authenticationType' is set to 'AZURE_ACTIVE_DIRECTORY'. e.g.: 06ecaabf-8b80-4ec8-a0ec-20cbf463703d

Optional clientSecret

clientSecret: undefined | string

Azure client secret (aka application password) for authentication. This property is required when 'authenticationType' is set to 'AZURE_ACTIVE_DIRECTORY'. e.g.: dO29Q~F5-VwnA.lZdd11xFF_t5NAXCaGwDl9NbT1

Const connectionType

connectionType: string = "AZURE_DATA_LAKE_STORAGE"

Optional definedTags

definedTags: undefined | object

Tags defined for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace.

Example: {@code {\"foo-namespace\": {\"bar-key\": \"value\"}}}

Optional description

description: undefined | string

Metadata about this specific object.

Optional displayName

displayName: undefined | string

An object's Display Name.

Optional endpoint

endpoint: undefined | string

Azure Storage service endpoint. e.g: https://test.blob.core.windows.net

Optional freeformTags

freeformTags: undefined | object

A simple key-value pair that is applied without any predefined name, type, or scope. Exists for cross-compatibility only.

Example: {@code {\"bar-key\": \"value\"}}

Optional keyId

keyId: undefined | string

Refers to the customer's master key OCID. If provided, it references a key to manage secrets. Customers must add policies to permit GoldenGate to use this key.

Optional nsgIds

nsgIds: Array<string>

An array of Network Security Group OCIDs used to define network access for either Deployments or Connections.

Optional routingMethod

routingMethod: model.RoutingMethod

Controls the network traffic direction to the target: SHARED_SERVICE_ENDPOINT: Traffic flows through the Goldengate Service's network to public hosts. Cannot be used for private targets. SHARED_DEPLOYMENT_ENDPOINT: Network traffic flows from the assigned deployment's private endpoint through the deployment's subnet. DEDICATED_ENDPOINT: A dedicated private endpoint is created in the target VCN subnet for the connection. The subnetId is required when DEDICATED_ENDPOINT networking is selected.

Optional sasToken

sasToken: undefined | string

Credential that uses a shared access signature (SAS) to authenticate to an Azure Service. This property is required when 'authenticationType' is set to 'SHARED_ACCESS_SIGNATURE'. e.g.: ?sv=2020-06-08&ss=bfqt&srt=sco&sp=rwdlacupyx&se=2020-09-10T20:27:28Z&st=2022-08-05T12:27:28Z&spr=https&sig=C1IgHsiLBmTSStYkXXGLTP8it0xBrArcgCqOsZbXwIQ%3D

Optional subnetId

subnetId: undefined | string

The OCID of the target subnet of the dedicated connection.

Optional vaultId

vaultId: undefined | string

Refers to the customer's vault OCID. If provided, it references a vault where GoldenGate can manage secrets. Customers must add policies to permit GoldenGate to manage secrets contained within this vault.


