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Namespace LogAnalyticsWarning



Optional agentId

agentId: undefined | string

The unique identifier of the agent associated with the warning

Optional compartmentId

compartmentId: undefined | string

The entity compartment ID.

Optional entityId

entityId: undefined | string

The unique identifier of the entity associated with the warning

Optional entityName

entityName: undefined | string

The name of the entity associated with the warning

Optional entityType

entityType: undefined | string

The type of the entity associated with the warning

Optional entityTypeDisplayName

entityTypeDisplayName: undefined | string

The display name of the entity type associated with the warning

Optional hostName

hostName: undefined | string

The host containing the agent associated with the warning

Optional isActive

isActive: undefined | false | true

A flag indicating if the warning is currently active

Optional isSuppressed

isSuppressed: undefined | false | true

A flag indicating if the warning is currently suppressed

Optional patternId

patternId: undefined | string

The unique identifier of the warning pattern

Optional patternText

patternText: undefined | string

The text of the pattern used by the warning

Optional ruleDisplayName

ruleDisplayName: undefined | string

The display name of the rule which triggered the warning

Optional ruleId

ruleId: undefined | string

The unique identifier of the rule associated with the warning

Optional severity

severity: undefined | number

The warning severity Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional sourceDisplayName

sourceDisplayName: undefined | string

The display name of the source associated with the warning

Optional sourceId

sourceId: undefined | string

The unique identifier of the source associated with the warning

Optional sourceName

sourceName: undefined | string

The name of the source associated with the warning

Optional suppressedBy

suppressedBy: undefined | string

The user who suppressed the warning, or empty if the warning is not suppressed

Optional timeCollected

timeCollected: Date

The time at which the warning was most recently collected

Optional timeOfInitialWarning

timeOfInitialWarning: Date

The date at which the warning was initially triggered

Optional timeOfLatestWarning

timeOfLatestWarning: Date

The most recent date on which the warning was triggered

Optional typeDisplayName

typeDisplayName: undefined | string

The display name of the warning type

Optional typeName

typeName: undefined | string

The internal name of the warning

Optional warningId

warningId: undefined | string

The unique identifier of the warning

Optional warningLevel

warningLevel: undefined | string

The warning level - either pattern, rule, or source.

Optional warningMessage

warningMessage: undefined | string

A description of the warning intended for the consumer of the warning. It will usually detail the cause of the warning, may suggest a remedy, and can contain any other relevant information the consumer might find useful


