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Namespace ManagementAgentInstallKeySummary

The summary of the Agent Install Key details.


Optional allowedKeyInstallCount

allowedKeyInstallCount: undefined | number

Total number of install for this keys Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.


compartmentId: string

Compartment Identifier

Optional createdByPrincipalId

createdByPrincipalId: undefined | string

Principal id of user who created the Agent Install key

Optional currentKeyInstallCount

currentKeyInstallCount: undefined | number

Total number of install for this keys Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional displayName

displayName: undefined | string

Management Agent Install Key Name


id: string

Agent Install Key identifier

Optional isUnlimited

isUnlimited: undefined | false | true

If set to true, the install key has no expiration date or usage limit. Properties allowedKeyInstallCount and timeExpires are ignored if set to true. Defaults to false.

Optional lifecycleDetails

lifecycleDetails: undefined | string

A message describing the current state in more detail. For example, can be used to provide actionable information for a resource in Failed state.

Optional lifecycleState

lifecycleState: model.LifecycleStates

Status of Key

Optional timeCreated

timeCreated: Date

The time when Management Agent install Key was created. An RFC3339 formatted date time string

Optional timeExpires

timeExpires: Date

date after which key would expire after creation


