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Namespace MediaWorkflowTask

Defines the type of processing to be run at a given point in the workflow, parameters to configure the processing, and any processing that must be completed before this processing begins.


Optional enableParameterReference

enableParameterReference: undefined | string

Allows this task to be conditionally enabled. If no value or a blank value is given, the task is unconditionally enbled. Otherwise the given string specifies a parameter of the job created for this task's workflow using the JSON pointer syntax. The JSON pointer is validated when a job is created from the workflow of this task.

Optional enableWhenReferencedParameterEquals

enableWhenReferencedParameterEquals: undefined | object

Used in conjunction with enableParameterReference to conditionally enable a task. When a job is created from the workflow of this task, the task will only be enabled if the value of the parameter specified by enableParameterReference is equal to the value of this property. This property must be prenset if and only if a enableParameterReference is given. The value is a JSON node.


key: string

A unique identifier for this task within its workflow. Keys are used to reference a task within workflows and MediaWorkflowJobs. Tasks are referenced as prerequisites and to track output and state.


parameters: object

Data specifiying how this task is to be run. The data is a JSON object that must conform to the JSON Schema specified by the parameters of the MediaWorkflowTaskDeclaration this task references. The parameters may contain values or references to other parameters.

Type declaration

  • [key: string]: any

Optional prerequisites

prerequisites: Array<string>

Keys to the other tasks in this workflow that must be completed before execution of this task can begin.


type: string

The type of process to run at this task. Refers to the name of a MediaWorkflowTaskDeclaration.


version: number

The version of the MediaWorkflowTaskDeclaration. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.


