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Namespace SummarizeHostInsightResourceForecastTrendRequest


Click here to see how to use SummarizeHostInsightResourceForecastTrendRequest.


Optional analysisTimeInterval

analysisTimeInterval: undefined | string

Specify time period in ISO 8601 format with respect to current time. Default is last 30 days represented by P30D. If timeInterval is specified, then timeIntervalStart and timeIntervalEnd will be ignored. Examples P90D (last 90 days), P4W (last 4 weeks), P2M (last 2 months), P1Y (last 12 months), . Maximum value allowed is 25 months prior to current time (P25M).


compartmentId: string

The OCID of the compartment.

Optional compartmentIdInSubtree

compartmentIdInSubtree: undefined | false | true

A flag to search all resources within a given compartment and all sub-compartments.

Optional confidence

confidence: undefined | number

This parameter is used to change data's confidence level, this data is ingested by the forecast algorithm. Confidence is the probability of an interval to contain the expected population parameter. Manipulation of this value will lead to different results. If not set, default confidence value is 95%.

Optional definedTagEquals

definedTagEquals: Array<string>

A list of tag filters to apply. Only resources with a defined tag matching the value will be returned. Each item in the list has the format "{namespace}.{tagName}.{value}". All inputs are case-insensitive. Multiple values for the same key (i.e. same namespace and tag name) are interpreted as "OR". Values for different keys (i.e. different namespaces, different tag names, or both) are interpreted as "AND".

Optional definedTagExists

definedTagExists: Array<string>

A list of tag existence filters to apply. Only resources for which the specified defined tags exist will be returned. Each item in the list has the format "{namespace}.{tagName}.true" (for checking existence of a defined tag) or "{namespace}.true". All inputs are case-insensitive. Currently, only existence ("true" at the end) is supported. Absence ("false" at the end) is not supported. Multiple values for the same key (i.e. same namespace and tag name) are interpreted as "OR". Values for different keys (i.e. different namespaces, different tag names, or both) are interpreted as "AND".

Optional exadataInsightId

exadataInsightId: Array<string>

Optional list of exadata insight resource OCIDs.

Optional forecastDays

forecastDays: undefined | number

Number of days used for utilization forecast analysis.

Optional forecastModel

forecastModel: ForecastModel

Choose algorithm model for the forecasting. Possible values:

  • LINEAR: Uses linear regression algorithm for forecasting.
  • ML_AUTO: Automatically detects best algorithm to use for forecasting.
  • ML_NO_AUTO: Automatically detects seasonality of the data for forecasting using linear or seasonal algorithm.

Optional freeformTagEquals

freeformTagEquals: Array<string>

A list of tag filters to apply. Only resources with a freeform tag matching the value will be returned. The key for each tag is "{tagName}.{value}". All inputs are case-insensitive. Multiple values for the same tag name are interpreted as "OR". Values for different tag names are interpreted as "AND".

Optional freeformTagExists

freeformTagExists: Array<string>

A list of tag existence filters to apply. Only resources for which the specified freeform tags exist the value will be returned. The key for each tag is "{tagName}.true". All inputs are case-insensitive. Currently, only existence ("true" at the end) is supported. Absence ("false" at the end) is not supported. Multiple values for different tag names are interpreted as "AND".

Optional highUtilizationThreshold

highUtilizationThreshold: undefined | number

Percent value in which a resource metric is considered highly utilized.

Optional hostId

hostId: undefined | string

Optional OCID of the host (Compute Id)

Optional hostType

hostType: Array<string>


Optional id

id: Array<string>

Optional list of host insight resource OCIDs.

Optional interfaceName

interfaceName: undefined | string

Name of the network interface.

Optional lowUtilizationThreshold

lowUtilizationThreshold: undefined | number

Percent value in which a resource metric is considered low utilized.

Optional mountPoint

mountPoint: undefined | string

Mount points are specialized NTFS filesystem objects.

Optional opcRequestId

opcRequestId: undefined | string

Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.

Optional page

page: undefined | string

For list pagination. The value of the {@code opc-next-page} response header from the previous "List" call. For important details about how pagination works, see List Pagination.

Optional platformType

platformType: Array<PlatformType>

Filter by one or more platform types. Supported platformType(s) for MACS-managed external host insight: [LINUX, SOLARIS, WINDOWS]. Supported platformType(s) for MACS-managed cloud host insight: [LINUX]. Supported platformType(s) for EM-managed external host insight: [LINUX, SOLARIS, SUNOS, ZLINUX, WINDOWS, AIX, HP-UX].


resourceMetric: string

Filter by host resource metric. Supported values are CPU, MEMORY, LOGICAL_MEMORY, STORAGE and NETWORK.

Optional retryConfiguration

retryConfiguration: RetryConfiguration

RetryConfiguration to be used for the request NOTE : Retries are not supported for requests that have binary or stream bodies this also affects UploadManager operations For all requests with binary/stream bodies, retry attempts are not made

Optional statistic

statistic: Statistic

Choose the type of statistic metric data to be used for forecasting.

Optional status

Resource Status

Optional timeIntervalEnd

timeIntervalEnd: Date

Analysis end time in UTC in ISO 8601 format(exclusive). Example 2019-10-30T00:00:00Z (yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ssZ). timeIntervalStart and timeIntervalEnd are used together. If timeIntervalEnd is not specified, current time is used as timeIntervalEnd.

Optional timeIntervalStart

timeIntervalStart: Date

Analysis start time in UTC in ISO 8601 format(inclusive). Example 2019-10-30T00:00:00Z (yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ssZ). The minimum allowed value is 2 years prior to the current day. timeIntervalStart and timeIntervalEnd parameters are used together. If analysisTimeInterval is specified, this parameter is ignored.

Optional utilizationLevel

utilizationLevel: UtilizationLevel

Filter by utilization level by the following buckets:

  • HIGH_UTILIZATION: DBs with utilization greater or equal than 75.
  • LOW_UTILIZATION: DBs with utilization lower than 25.
  • MEDIUM_HIGH_UTILIZATION: DBs with utilization greater or equal than 50 but lower than 75.
  • MEDIUM_LOW_UTILIZATION: DBs with utilization greater or equal than 25 but lower than 50.

Optional vmclusterName

vmclusterName: Array<string>

Optional list of Exadata Insight VM cluster name.