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Namespace UpdateProfileDetails

Details for updating a profile.


Optional aggregationIntervalInDays

aggregationIntervalInDays: undefined | number

The time period over which to collect data for the recommendations, measured in number of days. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional definedTags

definedTags: undefined | object

Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace. For more information, see Resource Tags.

Example: {@code {\"foo-namespace\": {\"bar-key\": \"value\"}}}

Optional description

description: undefined | string

Text describing the profile. Avoid entering confidential information.

Optional freeformTags

freeformTags: undefined | object

Simple key-value pair applied without any predefined name, type, or namespace. For more information, see Resource Tags. Exists for cross-compatibility only.

Example: {@code {\"bar-key\": \"value\"}}

Optional levelsConfiguration

levelsConfiguration: model.LevelsConfiguration

Optional name

name: undefined | string

The name assigned to the profile. Avoid entering confidential information.

Optional systemTags

systemTags: undefined | object

Usage of system tag keys. These predefined keys are scoped to namespaces. Example: {@code { "orcl-cloud": { "free-tier-retained": "true" } }}

Optional targetCompartments

targetCompartments: model.TargetCompartments

Optional targetTags

targetTags: model.TargetTags


