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Namespace DedicatedShardOrCatalogEncryptionKeyDetails

Details of encryption key to be used to encrypt data for shards and catalog for sharded database. For system-defined sharding type, all shards have to use same encryptionKeyDetails. For system-defined sharding, if encryptionKeyDetails are not specified for catalog, then Oracle managed key will be used for catalog. For user-defined sharding type, if encryptionKeyDetails are not provided for any shard or catalog, then Oracle managed key will be used for such shard or catalog. For system-defined or user-defined sharding type, if the shard or catalog has a peer in region other than primary shard or catalog region, then make sure to provide virtual vault for such shard or catalog, which is also replicated to peer region (the region where peer or standby shard or catalog exists).



kmsKeyId: string

The OCID of the KMS key in vault identified by vaultId in customer tenancy that is used as the master encryption key.

Optional kmsKeyVersionId

kmsKeyVersionId: undefined | string

The OCID of the KMS key version for key identified by kmsKeyId that is used in data encryption (TDE) operations.


vaultId: string

The OCID of the vault in customer tenancy where KMS key is present. For shard or catalog with cross-region data guard enabled, user needs to make sure to provide virtual private vault only, which is also replicated in the region of standby shard.


