  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All

Namespace MergeOperator

Represents the start of a pipeline.


Optional description

description: undefined | string

Details about the operator.

Optional identifier

identifier: undefined | string

Value can only contain upper case letters, underscore, and numbers. It should begin with upper case letter or underscore. The value can be modified.

Optional inputPorts

inputPorts: Array<InputPort>

An array of input ports.

Optional key

key: undefined | string

The key of the object.

Const modelType

modelType: string = "MERGE_OPERATOR"

Optional modelVersion

modelVersion: undefined | string

The model version of an object.

Optional name

name: undefined | string

Free form text without any restriction on permitted characters. Name can have letters, numbers, and special characters. The value is editable and is restricted to 1000 characters.

Optional objectStatus

objectStatus: undefined | number

The status of an object that can be set to value 1 for shallow references across objects, other values reserved. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional objectVersion

objectVersion: undefined | number

The version of the object that is used to track changes in the object instance. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional opConfigValues

opConfigValues: model.ConfigValues

Optional outputPorts

outputPorts: Array<TypedObject>

An array of output ports.

Optional parameters

parameters: Array<Parameter>

An array of parameters used in the data flow.

Optional parentRef

parentRef: model.ParentReference

Optional triggerRule

triggerRule: TriggerRule

The merge condition. The conditions are ALL_SUCCESS - All the preceeding operators need to be successful. ALL_FAILED - All the preceeding operators should have failed. ALL_COMPLETE - All the preceeding operators should have completed. It could have executed successfully or failed. ONE_SUCCESS - Atleast one of the preceeding operators should have succeeded. ONE_FAILED - Atleast one of the preceeding operators should have failed.



  • getDeserializedJsonObj(obj: Operator): object
