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Namespace SteeringPolicyWeightedRule


Optional cases

An array of {@code caseConditions}. A rule may optionally include a sequence of cases defining alternate configurations for how it should behave during processing for any given DNS query. When a rule has no sequence of {@code cases}, it is always evaluated with the same configuration during processing. When a rule has an empty sequence of {@code cases}, it is always ignored during processing. When a rule has a non-empty sequence of {@code cases}, its behavior during processing is configured by the first matching {@code case} in the sequence. When a rule has no matching cases the rule is ignored. A rule case with no {@code caseCondition} always matches. A rule case with a {@code caseCondition} matches only when that expression evaluates to true for the given query.

Optional defaultAnswerData

Defines a default set of answer conditions and values that are applied to an answer when {@code cases} is not defined for the rule or a matching case does not have any matching {@code answerCondition}s in its {@code answerData}. {@code defaultAnswerData} is not applied if {@code cases} is defined and there are no matching cases. In this scenario, the next rule will be processed.

Optional description

description: undefined | string

A user-defined description of the rule's purpose or behavior.

Const ruleType

ruleType: string = "WEIGHTED"


