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Namespace Column

Default column object representing querylanguage result columns.


Optional displayName

displayName: undefined | string

Column display name - will be alias if column is renamed by queryStrng.

Optional internalName

internalName: undefined | string

Internal identifier for the column.

Optional isCaseSensitive

isCaseSensitive: undefined | false | true

A flag indicating whether or not the field is a case sensitive field. Only applies to string fields.

Optional isEvaluable

isEvaluable: undefined | false | true

Identifies if this column can be used as an expression parameter in any command that accepts querylanguage expressions.

Optional isGroupable

isGroupable: undefined | false | true

Identifies if this column can be used as a grouping field in any grouping command.

Optional isHidden

isHidden: undefined | false | true

Identifies if this column should be hidden by default but can be displayed in the UI on demand.

Optional isListOfValues

isListOfValues: undefined | false | true

Identifies if all values in this column come from a pre-defined list of values.

Optional isMultiValued

isMultiValued: undefined | false | true

Identifies if this column allows multiple values to exist in a single row.

Optional originalDisplayName

originalDisplayName: undefined | string

Same as displayName unless column renamed in which case this will hold the original display name for the column.

Optional subSystem

subSystem: model.SubSystemName

Subsystem column belongs to.

Const type

type: string = "COLUMN"

Optional valueType

valueType: model.ValueType

Field denoting column data type.

Optional values

values: Array<FieldValue>

If the column is a 'List of Values' column, this array contains the field values that are applicable to query results or all if no filters applied.


