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Namespace HighlightGroupsCommandDescriptor

Command descriptor for querylanguage HIGHLIGHTGROUPS command.


Optional category

category: undefined | string

querylanguage command designation for example; reporting vs filtering

Optional color

color: undefined | string

User specified color to highlight matches with if found.

Optional declaredFields

declaredFields: Array<AbstractField>

Fields declared in command fragment from user specified query string.


displayQueryString: string

Command fragment display string from user specified query string formatted by query builder.

Optional fields

fields: Array<string>

List of fields to search for terms or phrases to highlight.


internalQueryString: string

Command fragment internal string from user specified query string formatted by query builder.

Optional isHidden

isHidden: undefined | false | true

Field denoting if this is a hidden command that is not shown in the query string.

Optional keywords

keywords: Array<string>

List of terms or phrases to highlight if found.

Optional matchOnly

matchOnly: Array<string>

List of fields to search for terms or phrases to highlight. If not specified all string fields are scanned.

Const name

name: string = "HIGHLIGHT_GROUPS"

Optional priority

priority: undefined | string

User specified priority assigned to highlighted matches if found.

Optional referencedFields

referencedFields: Array<AbstractField>

Fields referenced in command fragment from user specified query string.

Optional subQueries

subQueries: Array<ParseQueryOutput>

List of subQueries specified as highlightgroups command arguments


