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Namespace LogAnalyticsSourceSummary



Optional associationCount

associationCount: undefined | number

The association count. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional associationEntity

associationEntity: Array<LogAnalyticsAssociation>

The association entity.

Optional dataFilterDefinitions

dataFilterDefinitions: Array<LogAnalyticsSourceDataFilter>

The data filter definition.

Optional databaseCredential

databaseCredential: undefined | string

The database credential.

Optional description

description: undefined | string

The source description.

Optional displayName

displayName: undefined | string

The source display name.

Optional editVersion

editVersion: undefined | number

The source edit version. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional endpoints

An array of REST API endpoints for log collection.

Optional entityTypes

The entity types.

Optional extendedFieldDefinitions

The extended field definition.

Optional functions

The source functions.

Optional isAutoAssociationEnabled

isAutoAssociationEnabled: undefined | false | true

A flag indicating whether or not the source is marked for auto-association.

Optional isAutoAssociationOverride

isAutoAssociationOverride: undefined | false | true

A flag indicating whether or not the auto-association state should be overriden.

Optional isForCloud

isForCloud: undefined | false | true

A flag indicating whether or not this is a cloud source.

Optional isSecureContent

isSecureContent: undefined | false | true

A flag indicating whether or not the source content is secure.

Optional isSystem

isSystem: undefined | false | true

The system flag. A value of false denotes a custom, or user defined object. A value of true denotes a built in object.

Optional isTimezoneOverride

isTimezoneOverride: undefined | false | true

A flag indicating whether or not the source has a time zone override.

Optional labelConditions

The label alert conditions.

Optional labelDefinitions

The label definitions.

Optional labels

The labels associated with this source.

Optional metadataFields

The source metadata fields.

Optional metricDefinitions

metricDefinitions: Array<LogAnalyticsMetric>

The metric definitions.

Optional metrics

The metric source map.

Optional name

name: undefined | string

The source internal name.

Optional oobParsers

The built in source parser.

Optional parameters

The parameter.

Optional parsers

The list of parsers associated with this source.

Optional patternCount

patternCount: undefined | number

The pattern count. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional patterns

The source patterns.

Optional ruleId

ruleId: undefined | number

The rule unique identifier. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional sourceId

sourceId: undefined | number

The source unique identifier. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional sourceProperties

sourceProperties: Array<LogAnalyticsProperty>

A list of source properties.

Optional timeUpdated

timeUpdated: Date

The last updated date.

Optional typeDisplayName

typeDisplayName: undefined | string

The source type name.

Optional typeName

typeName: undefined | string

The source type internal name.

Optional userParsers

An array of custom parsers.

Optional warningConfig

warningConfig: undefined | number

The source warning configuration. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.


