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Namespace UnifiedAgentMultilineParser

Multiline parser.


Optional fieldTimeKey

fieldTimeKey: undefined | string

Specifies the time field for the event time. If the event doesn't have this field, the current time is used.


format: Array<string>

Mutiline pattern format.

Optional formatFirstline

formatFirstline: undefined | string

First line pattern format.

Optional isEstimateCurrentEvent

isEstimateCurrentEvent: undefined | false | true

If true, use Fluent::EventTime.now(current time) as a timestamp when the time_key is specified.

Optional isKeepTimeKey

isKeepTimeKey: undefined | false | true

If true, keep the time field in the record.

Optional isNullEmptyString

isNullEmptyString: undefined | false | true

If true, an empty string field is replaced with a null value.

Optional nullValuePattern

nullValuePattern: undefined | string

Specify the null value pattern.

Const parserType

parserType: string = "MULTILINE"

Optional timeoutInMilliseconds

timeoutInMilliseconds: undefined | number

Specify the timeout for parse processing. This is mainly for detecting an incorrect regexp pattern. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional types

types: undefined | object

Specify types for converting a field into another type. For example, With this configuration: @type csv keys time,host,req_id,user time_key time

This incoming event: \"2013/02/28 12:00:00,,111,-\"

is parsed as: 1362020400 (2013/02/28/ 12:00:00)

record: { \"host\" : \"\", \"req_id\" : \"111\", \"user\" : \"-\" }


