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Namespace DataObjectQueryTimeFilters

Time filters to be applied in the data object query.


Optional timeEnd

timeEnd: Date

End time in UTC in RFC3339 formatted datetime string. Example: 2021-10-30T00:00:00.000Z. timeStart and timeEnd are used together. If timePeriod is specified, this parameter is ignored. If timeEnd is not specified, current time is used as timeEnd.

Optional timePeriod

timePeriod: undefined | string

Specify time period in ISO 8601 format with respect to current time. Default is last 30 days represented by P30D. If timePeriod is specified, then timeStart and timeEnd will be ignored. Examples: P90D (last 90 days), P4W (last 4 weeks), P2M (last 2 months), P1Y (last 12 months).

Optional timeStart

timeStart: Date

Start time in UTC in RFC3339 formatted datetime string. Example: 2021-10-30T00:00:00.000Z. timeStart and timeEnd are used together. If timePeriod is specified, this parameter is ignored.


