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Namespace ReportQuery

The request of the generated Cost Analysis report.


Optional compartmentDepth

compartmentDepth: undefined | number

The compartment depth level. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional dateRangeName

dateRangeName: DateRangeName

The UI date range, for example, LAST_THREE_MONTHS. Conflicts with timeUsageStarted and timeUsageEnded.

Optional filter

filter: model.Filter

Optional forecast

forecast: model.Forecast


granularity: Granularity

The usage granularity. HOURLY - Hourly data aggregation. DAILY - Daily data aggregation. MONTHLY - Monthly data aggregation. TOTAL - Not yet supported.

Optional groupBy

groupBy: Array<string>

Aggregate the result by. example: {@code ["tagNamespace", "tagKey", "tagValue", "service", "skuName", "skuPartNumber", "unit", "compartmentName", "compartmentPath", "compartmentId", "platform", "region", "logicalAd", "resourceId", "tenantId", "tenantName"]}

Optional groupByTag

groupByTag: Array<Tag>

GroupBy a specific tagKey. Provide the tagNamespace and tagKey in the tag object. Only supports one tag in the list. For example: {@code [{"namespace":"oracle", "key":"createdBy"]}

Optional isAggregateByTime

isAggregateByTime: undefined | false | true

Whether aggregated by time. If isAggregateByTime is true, all usage/cost over the query time period will be added up.

Optional queryType

queryType: QueryType

The query usage type. COST by default if it is missing. Usage - Query the usage data. Cost - Query the cost/billing data. Credit - Query the credit adjustments data. ExpiredCredit - Query the expired credits data AllCredit - Query the credit adjustments and expired credit


tenantId: string

Tenant ID.

Optional timeUsageEnded

timeUsageEnded: Date

The usage end time.

Optional timeUsageStarted

timeUsageStarted: Date

The usage start time.


