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Namespace UsageSummary

The usage store result.


Optional ad

ad: undefined | string

The availability domain of the usage.

Optional attributedCost

attributedCost: undefined | string

The attributed cost with a max value of 9999999999.999999999999 and a minimum value of 0.

Optional attributedUsage

attributedUsage: undefined | string

The attributed usage with a max value of 9999999999.999999999999 and a minimum value of 0.

Optional compartmentId

compartmentId: undefined | string

The compartment OCID.

Optional compartmentName

compartmentName: undefined | string

The compartment name.

Optional compartmentPath

compartmentPath: undefined | string

The compartment path, starting from root.

Optional computedAmount

computedAmount: undefined | number

The computed cost. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional computedQuantity

computedQuantity: undefined | number

The usage number. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional currency

currency: undefined | string

The price currency.

Optional discount

discount: undefined | number

The discretionary discount applied to the SKU. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional isForecast

isForecast: undefined | false | true

The forecasted data.

Optional listRate

listRate: undefined | number

The SKU list rate (not discount). Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional overage

overage: undefined | string

The overage usage.

Optional overagesFlag

overagesFlag: undefined | string

The SPM OverageFlag.

Optional platform

platform: undefined | string

Platform for the cost.

Optional region

region: undefined | string

The region of the usage.

Optional resourceId

resourceId: undefined | string

The resource OCID that is incurring the cost.

Optional resourceName

resourceName: undefined | string

The resource name that is incurring the cost.

Optional service

service: undefined | string

The service name that is incurring the cost.

Optional shape

shape: undefined | string

The resource shape.

Optional skuName

skuName: undefined | string

The SKU friendly name.

Optional skuPartNumber

skuPartNumber: undefined | string

The SKU part number.

Optional subscriptionId

subscriptionId: undefined | string

The subscription ID.

Optional tags

tags: Array<Tag>

For grouping, a tag definition. For filtering, a definition and key.

Optional tenantId

tenantId: undefined | string

The tenancy OCID.

Optional tenantName

tenantName: undefined | string

The tenancy name.


timeUsageEnded: Date

The usage end time.


timeUsageStarted: Date

The usage start time.

Optional unit

unit: undefined | string

The usage unit.

Optional unitPrice

unitPrice: undefined | number

The price per unit. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional weight

weight: undefined | number

The resource size being metered. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.


