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Namespace FtpMonitorConfiguration

Request configuration details for the FTP monitor type.


Const configType

configType: string = "FTP_CONFIG"

Optional dnsConfiguration

dnsConfiguration: model.DnsConfiguration

Optional downloadSizeLimitInBytes

downloadSizeLimitInBytes: undefined | number

Download size limit in Bytes, at which to stop the transfer. Maximum download size limit is 5 MiB. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional ftpBasicAuthenticationDetails

ftpBasicAuthenticationDetails: model.BasicAuthenticationDetails

Optional ftpProtocol

ftpProtocol: model.FtpProtocol

FTP protocol type.

Optional ftpRequestType

ftpRequestType: model.FtpRequestType

FTP monitor request type.

Optional isActiveMode

isActiveMode: undefined | false | true

If enabled, Active mode will be used for the FTP connection.

Optional isFailureRetried

isFailureRetried: undefined | false | true

If isFailureRetried is enabled, then a failed call will be retried.

Optional networkConfiguration

networkConfiguration: model.NetworkConfiguration

Optional uploadFileSizeInBytes

uploadFileSizeInBytes: undefined | number

File upload size in Bytes, at which to stop the transfer. Maximum upload size is 5 MiB. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional verifyResponseCodes

verifyResponseCodes: Array<string>

Expected FTP response codes. For status code range, set values such as 2xx, 3xx.

Optional verifyResponseContent

verifyResponseContent: undefined | string

Verify response content against regular expression based string. If response content does not match the verifyResponseContent value, then it will be considered a failure.


