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Namespace FindingSummary

The particular finding reported by the security assessment.


Optional assessmentId

assessmentId: undefined | string

The OCID of the assessment that generated this finding.

Optional details

details: any

The details of the finding. Provides detailed information to explain the finding summary, typically results from the assessed database, followed by any recommendations for changes.

Optional hasTargetDbRiskLevelChanged

hasTargetDbRiskLevelChanged: undefined | false | true

Determines if this risk level has changed on the target database since the last time 'severity' was modified by user.

Optional isRiskModified

isRiskModified: undefined | false | true

Determines if this risk level was modified by user.

Optional isTopFinding

isTopFinding: undefined | false | true

Indicates whether a given finding is marked as topFinding or not.

Optional justification

justification: undefined | string

User provided reason for accepting or modifying this finding if they choose to do so.

Optional key

key: undefined | string

The unique finding key. This is a system-generated identifier. To get the finding key for a finding, use ListFindings.

Optional lifecycleDetails

lifecycleDetails: undefined | string

Details about the current state of the finding.

Optional lifecycleState

lifecycleState: model.FindingLifecycleState

The current state of the finding.

Optional oneline

oneline: undefined | string

Provides a recommended approach to take to remediate the finding reported.

Optional oracleDefinedSeverity

oracleDefinedSeverity: undefined | string

The severity of the finding as determined by security assessment. This cannot be modified by user.

Optional references

references: model.References

Provides information on whether the finding is related to a CIS Oracle Database Benchmark recommendation, a STIG rule, or a GDPR Article/Recital.

Optional remarks

remarks: undefined | string

The explanation of the issue in this finding. It explains the reason for the rule and, if a risk is reported, it may also explain the recommended actions for remediation.

Optional severity

severity: Severity

The severity of the finding as determined by security assessment and is same as oracleDefinedSeverity, unless modified by user.

Optional summary

summary: undefined | string

The brief summary of the finding. When the finding is informational, the summary typically reports only the number of data elements that were examined.

Optional targetId

targetId: undefined | string

The OCID of the target database.

Optional timeUpdated

timeUpdated: Date

The date and time the risk level of finding was last updated, in the format defined by RFC3339.

Optional timeValidUntil

timeValidUntil: Date

The time until which the change in severity(deferred / modified) of this finding is valid.

Optional title

title: undefined | string

The short title for the finding.


