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Namespace DiffResponseEntry

Entry for description of change on a file.


Optional addedLinesCount

addedLinesCount: undefined | number

The number of lines added in whole difference. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional areConflictsInFile

areConflictsInFile: undefined | false | true

Indicates whether the changed file contains conflicts.


changeType: string

Type of change made to file.

Optional commitId

commitId: undefined | string

The ID of the commit where the change is coming from.

Optional deletedLinesCount

deletedLinesCount: undefined | number

The number of lines deleted in whole difference. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional newId

newId: undefined | string

The ID of the changed object on the source.

Optional newPath

newPath: undefined | string

The path on the source to the changed object.

Optional objectType

objectType: undefined | string

The type of the changed object.

Optional oldId

oldId: undefined | string

The ID of the changed object on the target.

Optional oldPath

oldPath: undefined | string

The path on the target to the changed object.

Optional url

url: undefined | string

The URL of the changed object.


