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Namespace UpdateHeatWaveClusterDetails

Details about the HeatWave cluster properties to be updated.


Optional clusterSize

clusterSize: undefined | number

A change to the number of nodes in the HeatWave cluster will result in the entire cluster being torn down and re-created with the new cluster of nodes. This may result in a significant downtime for the analytics capability while the HeatWave cluster is re-provisioned. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional isLakehouseEnabled

isLakehouseEnabled: undefined | false | true

Enable/disable Lakehouse for the HeatWave cluster.

Optional shapeName

shapeName: undefined | string

A change to the shape of the nodes in the HeatWave cluster will result in the entire cluster being torn down and re-created with Compute instances of the new Shape. This may result in significant downtime for the analytics capability while the HeatWave cluster is re-provisioned.


