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Interface SummarizeApplicationUsageRequest


Click here to see how to use SummarizeApplicationUsageRequest.



Optional applicationId

applicationId: undefined | string

The Fleet-unique identifier of the application.

Optional applicationType

applicationType: undefined | string

The type of the application.

Optional displayName

displayName: undefined | string

The display name.

Optional displayNameContains

displayNameContains: undefined | string

Filter the list with displayName contains the given value.

Optional fields

Additional fields to include into the returned model on top of the required ones. This parameter can also include 'approximateJreCount', 'approximateInstallationCount' and 'approximateManagedInstanceCount'. For example 'approximateJreCount,approximateInstallationCount'.


fleetId: string

The OCID of the Fleet.

Optional installationPath

installationPath: undefined | string

The file system path of the Java Runtime installation.

Optional jreDistribution

jreDistribution: undefined | string

The distribution of the related Java Runtime.

Optional jreVendor

jreVendor: undefined | string

The vendor of the related Java Runtime.

Optional jreVersion

jreVersion: undefined | string

The version of the related Java Runtime.

Optional libraryKey

libraryKey: undefined | string

The library key.

Optional limit

limit: undefined | number

The maximum number of items to return.

Optional managedInstanceId

managedInstanceId: undefined | string

The Fleet-unique identifier of the related managed instance.

Optional opcRequestId

opcRequestId: undefined | string

The client request ID for tracing.

Optional osFamily

osFamily: Array<OsFamily>

The operating system type.

Optional page

page: undefined | string

The page token representing the page at which to start retrieving results. The token is usually retrieved from a previous list call.

Optional retryConfiguration

retryConfiguration: RetryConfiguration

RetryConfiguration to be used for the request NOTE : Retries are not supported for requests that have binary or stream bodies this also affects UploadManager operations For all requests with binary/stream bodies, retry attempts are not made

Optional sortBy

sortBy: model.ApplicationSortBy

The field to sort application views. Only one sort order may be provided. Default order for timeFirstSeen, timeLastSeen, approximateJreCount, approximateInstallationCount and approximateManagedInstanceCount is descending. Default order for displayName and osName is ascending. If no value is specified timeLastSeen is default.

Optional sortOrder

sortOrder: model.SortOrder

The sort order, either 'asc' or 'desc'.

Optional timeEnd

timeEnd: Date

The end of the time period during which resources are searched (formatted according to RFC3339).

Optional timeStart

timeStart: Date

The start of the time period during which resources are searched (formatted according to RFC3339).