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Namespace ListSqlPlanBaselinesRequest


Click here to see how to use ListSqlPlanBaselinesRequest.


Optional isAccepted

isAccepted: undefined | false | true

A filter to return only SQL plan baselines that are either accepted or not accepted. By default, all SQL plan baselines are returned.

Optional isAdaptive

isAdaptive: undefined | false | true

A filter to return only SQL plan baselines that are either adaptive or not adaptive. By default, all SQL plan baselines are returned.

Optional isAutoPurged

isAutoPurged: undefined | false | true

A filter to return only SQL plan baselines that are either auto-purged or not auto-purged. By default, all SQL plan baselines are returned.

Optional isEnabled

isEnabled: undefined | false | true

A filter to return only SQL plan baselines that are either enabled or not enabled. By default, all SQL plan baselines are returned.

Optional isFixed

isFixed: undefined | false | true

A filter to return only SQL plan baselines that are either fixed or not fixed. By default, all SQL plan baselines are returned.

Optional isNeverExecuted

isNeverExecuted: undefined | false | true

A filter to return only SQL plan baselines that are not executed till now. By default, all SQL plan baselines are returned.

Optional isReproduced

isReproduced: undefined | false | true

A filter to return only SQL plan baselines that were either reproduced or not reproduced by the optimizer. By default, all SQL plan baselines are returned.

Optional limit

limit: undefined | number

The maximum number of records returned in the paginated response.


managedDatabaseId: string

The OCID of the Managed Database.

Optional opcNamedCredentialId

opcNamedCredentialId: undefined | string

The OCID of the Named Credential.

Optional opcRequestId

opcRequestId: undefined | string

The client request ID for tracing.

Optional origin

origin: model.SqlPlanBaselineOrigin

A filter to return all the SQL plan baselines that match the origin.

Optional page

page: undefined | string

The page token representing the page from where the next set of paginated results are retrieved. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.

Optional planName

planName: undefined | string

A filter to return only SQL plan baselines that match the plan name.

Optional retryConfiguration

retryConfiguration: RetryConfiguration

RetryConfiguration to be used for the request NOTE : Retries are not supported for requests that have binary or stream bodies this also affects UploadManager operations For all requests with binary/stream bodies, retry attempts are not made

Optional sortBy

sortBy: SortBy

The option to sort the SQL plan baseline summary data.

Optional sortOrder

sortOrder: model.SortOrders

The option to sort information in ascending (\u2018ASC\u2019) or descending (\u2018DESC\u2019) order. Descending order is the default order.

Optional sqlHandle

sqlHandle: undefined | string

A filter to return all the SQL plan baselines for the specified SQL handle.

Optional sqlText

sqlText: undefined | string

A filter to return all the SQL plan baselines that match the SQL text. By default, the search is case insensitive. To run an exact or case-sensitive search, double-quote the search string. You may also use the '%' symbol as a wildcard.

Optional timeLastExecutedGreaterThan

timeLastExecutedGreaterThan: Date

A filter to return only SQL plan baselines whose last execution time is after the specified value. By default, all SQL plan baselines are returned.

Optional timeLastExecutedLessThan

timeLastExecutedLessThan: Date

A filter to return only SQL plan baselines whose last execution time is before the specified value. By default, all SQL plan baselines are returned.