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Namespace ApplicationInstallationUsageSummary

Summarizes application installation usage information during a specified time period. The main difference between ApplicationUsage and ApplicationInstallationUsageSummary is the presence of installation information. ApplicationUsage provides only aggregated information for an application regardless of the installation paths. Therefore, two different applications with the same application name installed in two different paths will be aggregated to a single application. This aggregation makes it difficult to focus actions to single application installed on a known path. An application installation is independent of the Java Runtime on which it's running or the Managed Instance where it's installed.



applicationInstallationKey: string

An internal identifier for the application installation that is unique to a Fleet.

Optional applicationInvokedBy

applicationInvokedBy: undefined | string

Comma separated list of user names that invoked application installations.


applicationKey: string

An internal identifier for the application that is unique to a Fleet. ApplicationKey will be identical for applications with different installation information.


applicationType: string

The type of the application, denoted by how the application was started.

Optional approximateInstallationCount

approximateInstallationCount: undefined | number

The approximate count of installations running this application. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional approximateJreCount

approximateJreCount: undefined | number

The approximate count of Java Runtimes running this application. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional approximateLibraryCount

approximateLibraryCount: undefined | number

The approximate count of libraries in this application. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional approximateManagedInstanceCount

approximateManagedInstanceCount: undefined | number

The approximate count of managed instances reporting this application. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.


displayName: string

The name of the application.

Optional fullClassPath

fullClassPath: Array<string>

List of full paths where the application last searched for classes. Contains full paths to all items from module-list and class path list.

Optional installationPath

installationPath: undefined | string

The full path on which the application installation was detected.

Optional operatingSystems

operatingSystems: Array<OperatingSystem>

The operating systems running this application.

Optional timeEnd

timeEnd: Date

Upper bound of the specified time period filter. JMS provides a view of the data that is per day. The query uses only the date element of the parameter.

Optional timeFirstSeen

timeFirstSeen: Date

The date and time the resource was first reported to JMS. This is potentially before the specified time period provided by the filters. For example, a resource can be first reported to JMS before the start of a specified time period, if it is also reported during the time period.

Optional timeLastSeen

timeLastSeen: Date

The date and time the resource was last reported to JMS. This is potentially after the specified time period provided by the filters. For example, a resource can be last reported to JMS before the start of a specified time period, if it is also reported during the time period.

Optional timeStart

timeStart: Date

Lower bound of the specified time period filter. JMS provides a view of the data that is per day. The query uses only the date element of the parameter.


