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Namespace OccCapacityRequestBaseDetails

The details of the create capacity request. This model serves as a base for different namespaces.


Optional actualHandoverQuantity

actualHandoverQuantity: undefined | number

The actual handed over quantity of resources at the time of request resolution. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional associatedOccHandoverResourceBlockList

associatedOccHandoverResourceBlockList: Array<AssociatedOccHandoverResourceBlock>

A list containing details about occHandoverResourceBlocks which were handed over for the corresponding resource name.

Optional availabilityDomain

availabilityDomain: undefined | string

The availability domain of the resource which is to be transferred. Note that this is only required for Capacity Request Transfer requests.

Optional dateActualHandover

dateActualHandover: Date

The date on which the actual handover quantity of resources is delivered.

Optional dateExpectedHandover

dateExpectedHandover: Date

The date on which the latest increment to supplied quantity of resources was delivered.


demandQuantity: number

The number of compute server's with name required by the user. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional expectedHandoverQuantity

expectedHandoverQuantity: undefined | number

The incremental quantity of resources supplied as the provisioning is underway. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.


resourceName: string

The name of the COMPUTE server shape for which the request is made. Do not use CAPACITY_CONSTRAINT as the resource name.


resourceType: string

The type of the resource against which the user wants to place a capacity request.

Optional sourceWorkloadType

sourceWorkloadType: undefined | string

The WorkloadType from where capacity request are to be transferred.


workloadType: string

The type of the workload (Generic/ROW).


