Delete an Extension

The method you use to delete an extension depends on if you want to delete the entire extension or only an extension version. Delete an entire extension using the Manage Lifecycle Extension page. To delete an extension version, the method is different depending on if the extension is deployed to an Oracle Cloud Applications instance that's in the same identity domain as VB Studio, or a different one.

  • You delete an extension version manually from its environment's Deployments tab, if the extension is deployed to an Oracle Cloud Applications instance that's in the same identity domain as VB Studio (by default a TEST pod, although it could be a DEV pod or a different TEST pod if you requested that Oracle re-associate VB Studio to a different pod). You could also configure a build job to delete it.

  • If the extension is deployed to a different identity domain (typically your PROD instance) and you want to delete an extension version, you must configure a build job to delete it.

Delete an Extension Manually

Use the Manage Extension Lifecycle page to delete extensions deployed from any project and to any Oracle Cloud Applications instance, provided the instance it's deployed to has an authentication method of OAuth.

If the extension was deployed to an Oracle Cloud Applications instance whose authentication method is something other than OAuth, you must either use its environment's Deployments tab to delete the extension or configure a build job to delete it.
To delete an extension using the Manage Extension Lifecycle page:
  1. Access the Manage Extension Lifecycle page:
    • From the menu in the Designer's header, click Extension Lifecycle.
    • Or, from the VB Studio left navigator, click Environments, then click Extension Lifecycle. You won't see this option if you haven't yet added an Oracle Cloud Applications instance to your environment.

      Description of mel-ui-envts.png follows

    You should now see the Manage Extension Lifecycle page, which lists all the environments that are available. You can work with an environment on this page as long as the authentication method for its Oracle Cloud Applications instance is OAuth.
    Description of mel-ui-full.png follows

    Under each environment, you'll see a list of the extensions already deployed. Each entry includes the extension name plus additional details, such as extension version, deployment date, and project name. The Manage Extension Lifecycle page can show all extensions deployed from the current project or across projects. Use Show all extensions and Only show extensions for my project to toggle between both views.

  2. To delete an extension from an Oracle Cloud Applications instance, find the extension that you want to delete and click Delete Extension.


    Before deleting an extension from your PROD instance, delete the extension from the DEV instance (or TEST instance, if applicable) and make sure there aren't any adverse effects.

Delete an Extension Version Manually

You can delete a version of an extension from its environment's Deployments tab, if an extension is deployed to the Oracle Cloud Applications instance in the same identity domain as your VB Studio instance.

  1. In the left navigator, click Environments Environments.
  2. Select the Development environment where the extension is deployed.
  3. Click the Deployments tab.
  4. Expand the base application's name.
  5. Click Actions Three horizontal dots and select Delete next to the extension you want to delete.
    Note that there can be only one active extension version at a time. The recommended best practice is to avoid deleting the active extension version because, if you delete it, the extension will become inactive as if it wasn't installed at all. You can, however, delete inactive versions without impacting the currently active deployed extension.
  6. In the confirmation dialog box, click Delete.
For an extension deployed to an Oracle Cloud Applications instance in the same identity domain as VB Studio, you can also use a build job to delete it, if preferred.

Configure a Job to Delete an Extension

To delete an extension version that's deployed to your PROD Oracle Cloud Applications instance (or to any Oracle Cloud Applications instance in a different identity domain from VB Studio), configure a build job and run it.

Note that there can be only one active extension version at a time. The recommended best practice is to avoid deleting the active extension version because, if you delete it, the extension will become inactive as if it wasn't installed at all. You can, however, delete inactive versions without impacting the currently active deployed extension.

For an extension deployed to an instance in a different identity domain, you can also use the Manage Extension Lifecycle page to delete it, but keep in mind that this deletes the entire extension. You must use a build job, if:

  • You want to delete an extension version, not an entire extension
  • The extension is deployed to an Oracle Cloud Applications instance that has an authentication method of something other than OAuth
Before you configure and run the job, delete the extension from the DEV instance (or TEST instance, if applicable) and make sure there aren't any adverse effects. For example, let's assume you have an attribute that's hidden in both the extension's business object and the user interface. After you delete the extension, the user interface shows the attribute that is still hidden in the business object. This may cause an error.

To configure the job, make sure you have valid credentials for the Oracle Cloud Application's instance where the extension is deployed.

  1. In the left navigator, click Builds Builds.
  2. In the Jobs tab, click + Create Job.
  3. In the New Job dialog box, in Name, enter a unique name.
  4. In Description, enter the job's description.
  5. In Template, select System Default OL7 for Visual Builder.
  6. Click Create.
    The Job Configuration page opens.
  7. Click the Steps tab.
  8. From Add Step, select Application Extension, and then select Delete.

    This image shows the Application Extension Delete build job page that's partially filled in.

    Description of app-ext-delete-build-step.png follows

  9. In Instance, select the Oracle Cloud Applications instance where the application is deployed.
  10. In the Authorization section, select Use OAuth or Use Basic to specify the type of authorization used to run this build step.
    • If you selected Use OAuth, the Authorization is required message displayed before authorization indicates that this build step needs to be authorized, either by clicking the Authorize button or by running the build manually and entering the credentials when you are prompted for them at that point. After authorization, the Authorization has been provided message and the Renew Authorization button are displayed.

    • If you selected Use Basic, in Username and Password, enter the credentials of an IDCS user who is not only an Oracle Cloud Applications user, but one who can access the Oracle Cloud Application's production instance and undeploy from it. These credentials must be those of a local user, not a federated identity, and must not require multi-factor authentication.

  11. Enter the extension's identifier in Extension ID.


    The identifier is displayed in a column of the same name on the Deployments tab of the environment where the extension is deployed. The extension name can be viewed in a tooltip if you hover over the identifier. You can also see the extension name from Settings in the top right hamburger menu. This option displays the visual view of the file.
  12. Enter the extension's version in Version.
    You can find the Extension Manager version on the Deployments tab of the environment where the extension is deployed. The Application Extensions section lists deployments for the current project only. Optionally, you can use the Show Previewed/Shared versions checkbox to display extensions that were deployed through the Designer, not through a build step.
  13. Click Save.
  14. To run a build, click Build Now.