Case 1: Upgrade the Repository File

Use these instructions to upgrade the repository or data model file (RPD).

To upgrade the file, you generate and apply a repository patch.
  1. Generate a patch for the repository on the environment with Oracle BI Applications release
    • In the environment with Oracle BI Applications release, take the repository files from these locations: Customer RPD - <DOMAIN_HOME>/OracleBIServerComponent/coreapplication_obis1/repository/ and Oracle BI Applications release baseline RPD - <ORACLE_HOME/biapps/admin/provisioning/OracleBIServerComponent/rpdbaseline.
    • Set the ORACLE_HOME and LD_LIBRARY_PATH as these examples:
      • setenv ORACLE_HOME /scratch/work/mw4675/Oracle_BI1/
      • setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH $ORACLE_HOME/bifoundation/server/bin:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
    • Compare the two repository files using the comparerpd command and generate a patch on 11g:
      Command path: <ORACLE_HOME>/bifoundation/server/bin/
          Syntax: ./ -P pwd_custom -C -W pwd_GA -G -D
      For example,
      ./ -P <password> -C       
              /scratch/work/mw4675/instances/instance1/bifoundation/OracleBIServerComponent/coreapplication_obis1/repository/Customized_OracleBIApps_BI0008.rpd        -W Admin123 -G       
              /scratch/work/mw4675/Oracle_BI1/biapps/admin/provisioning/OracleBIServerComponent/rpdbaseline/OracleBIApps.rpd -D
  2. Apply the 11g custom repository patch on the Oracle BI Applications release PS4 repository file using these steps:
    1. Copy the patch that you'd generated from the environment with Oracle BI Applications release to the environment with Oracle Analytics Server.
    2. In the environment with Oracle BI Applications release PS4 setup, download the Oracle BI Applications release PS4 general availability (GA) repository file from the location <DOMAIN_HOME>/bitools/bin/ using this command:
      Command path: <DOMAIN_HOME>/bitools/bin
          ./ downloadrpd -O <export_location> -SI <service_instancename > -U <username> -P

      For example, ./ downloadrpd -O /scratch/103PS4GA -SI biainstance -U <username> -P <password>.

    3. Copy the downloaded Oracle BI Applications release PS4 GA repository file to the standalone Oracle Analytics Server machine.
    4. Use the command to apply the patch on the Oracle BI Applications release PS4 GA repository file:
      Command path: <DOMAIN_HOME>/bitools/bin
          ./ -C <10.3 PS4 GA RPD> -G <10.2 GA RPD> -I <11g Patch file> -O Merged.rpd -V decision.csv
            -U -N -8 -A -S patchpassword
      For example,
      ./ -C /scratch/103PS4GA.rpd -G /scratch/102GA.rpd -I 
           /scratch/102patch.xml -O /scratch/Merged.rpd -V
            /scratch/decision.csv -U -N -8 -A -S <password>

      Provide passwords when prompted.


      • U is an optional argument that applies default decisions for conflicts automatically so that patchrpd can finish successfully. If you don't include this parameter, then patchrpd displays a warning and exits if a conflict is detected.
      • N is an optional argument that is used to ignore all non-fatal errors. Examples of non-fatal errors are unresolved objects, duplicated objects, and broken or incorrect expressions.
      • 8 specifies the UTF-8 encoding.
      • A is an optional argument used to skip the subset patching and instead apply the patch using input repository files.
      • This example applies 102patch.xml to the Oracle BI Applications release PS4 GA repository, and then generates an output repository called Merged.rpd and an output decision file named decision.csv. The "Merged" repository file is the "Upgraded" repository file that has the release PS4 content and the customizations.
    5. Upload the "Upgraded" repository file to the Oracle BI Applications release PS4 setup:
      • Copy the "Merged" repository file from the Oracle Analytics Server standalone machine to the Oracle BI Applications release setup.
      • Upload the "Merged" repository file to the instance using the command path<DOMAIN_HOME>/bitools/bin

        For example, ./ uploadrpd -I /scratch/Merged.rpd -SI biainstance -U <username> -P <password>.

    6. Restart the BI services.
  3. Verify the Oracle BI Applications release PS4 repository file.
    1. Download the repository file from the environment with Oracle BI Applications release PS3 setup using the command path: <DOMAIN_HOME>/bitools/bin

      For example, ./ downloadrpd -O /scratch/BIAPPS103Upgraded.rpd -SI biainstance -U <username> -P <password>

    2. Using the Oracle Analytics Client tool, open the downloaded repository file and verify that the custom changes are present.

      See Download page for Oracle Analytics Client Tools.