Drop the Existing ODI Repository Schema

Use the Oracle BI Applications repository creation utility (RCU) to drop the existing ODI Repository schema.

When you are prompted with a list of schemas installed, select the schema where the ODI repository for exists. Only drop the <prefix>_BIA_ODIREPO schemas. Don’t drop any other schema.
  1. Before dropping the existing ODI Repository Schema, stop all services.

    Command: <DOMAIN_HOME>/bi/bitools/bin/stop.sh

  2. Start the repository creation utility (RCU).
    $ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/bin/rcu -compInfoXMLLocation $ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/rcu/config/ComponentInfo_biapps.xml -storageXMLLocation $ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/rcu/config/Storage_biapps.xml
  3. Launch the Oracle BI Applications RCU and select Drop Repository.
  4. In the Database Connection Details screen, provide the connection details to the database which hosts the ODI Repository for Oracle BI Applications
  5. From the Prefix All Schema Owners list, select the prefix for your Oracle BI Applications schemas.
  6. In the Select Components screen, select only the Oracle Data Integration Master and Work Repository. Don’t select any of the other schema components.
  7. Click Drop to drop the ODI repository schema for