Upgrade Repository

Merge the Oracle BI Applications PS4 repository content and the Oracle BI Applications custom content.

  1. Get the Oracle BI Applications PS4 baseline repository.
    1. Get the Oracle BI Applications PS4 baseline BAR file from <NEW_ORACLE_HOME>/bi/biapps/admin/provisioning/OracleBIPresenta tionServicesComponent/OracleBIApps.bar.
    2. Extract the repository from the BAR file using the expandarchive.sh command.
      1. Navigate to <NEW_ORACLE_HOME>\bi\modules\oracle.bi.metadatalcm\scripts directory.
      2. Run the command: expandarchive.sh <BAR file path> <path to target folder> encryptionpassword=<password>

        For Example: ./expandarchive.sh <NEW_ORACLE_HOME>/bi/biapps/admin/provisioning/OracleBIPresenta tionServicesComponent/OracleBIApps.bar /u01/backup/ encryptionpassword=Admin123

        In the target folder path you provided in the expandarchive command, you can find the baseline repository under <path to target folder>/datamodel/rpd/default.rpd


        Set the DOMAIN_HOME variable to run the expandarchive.sh command.
  2. Apply a repository patch.
    1. Go to <DOMAIN_HOME>/bitools/bin.
    2. Run the command to apply the custom repository patch generated during the pre-upgrade to the Oracle BI Applications PS4 repository file: ./patchrpd.sh -C <10.3 PS4 RPD> -G <10.3 RPD> -I <Custom Patch file> -O Merged.rpd -V decision.csv -U -N -8 -A -S patchpassword

      For example, ./patchrpd.sh -C BIAPPS103PS4_Baseline.rpd -G BIAPPS103_Baseline.rpd -I patch.xml -O Merged.rpd -V decision.csv -U -N -8 -A -S Admin123

      Provide passwords when prompted.

      U is an optional argument that applies default decisions for conflicts automatically so that patchrpd can finish successfully. If you don't include this parameter, then patchrpd displays a warning and exits if a conflict is detected.

      N is an optional argument that is used to ignore all non-fatal errors. Examples of non-fatal errors are unresolved objects, duplicated objects, and broken or incorrect expressions. 8 specifies the UTF-8 encoding.

      A is an optional argument used to skip the subset patching and instead apply the patch using input repository files.

      This example applies patch.xml to the Oracle BI Applications PS3 repository, and then generates Merged.rpd output repository and decision.csv output decision file. The Merged.rpd repository file is the upgraded repository file that has the Oracle BI Applications11. PS3 content and customizations.

  3. Upload the Merged.rpd repository file to Oracle BI Applications PS4.
    1. Go to <DOMAIN_HOME>/bitools/bin.
    2. Run the command: ./datamodel.sh uploadrpd -I <Merged Rpd> -SI <service instance> -U <username> -P <password>
  4. Download the repository file from Oracle BI Applications PS4.
    1. Go to <DOMAIN_HOME>/bitools/bin.
    2. Run the command: ./datamodel.sh downloadrpd -O /u01/BIAPPS103PS4Upgraded.rpd -SI biainstance -U <username> -P <password>
  5. Use the Oracle Analytics Client Tool to open the downloaded repository file and verify that the custom changes are present.

    Download the Oracle Analytics Client Tool for Windows from Download page for Oracle Analytics Client Tools.