Functions Available Only Through Member Selection

The functions listed in Table 6-2 can be selected from the Functions tab in the Select Member dialog box. They cannot be entered dynamically in the formula bar.

Table 6-2 Functions Available Only Through Member Selection

Function Description
CommonChildren Oracle Hyperion Financial Management only. This function is valid for the common members in the Entity dimension only. For example, with the following structure:









The common children function replaces the Member with the Parent. In this example, the Member is Parent1 and the Parent is Parent2. Therefore, the result of using the CommonChildren function in this example would be the following output:




This is the children of Parent1 with Parent2 now substituted as the parent. In this example, since ChildA and ChildB are children of Parent2 the result for these two would be valid. However, the result for Parent2.ChildC is not really valid and would return nothing.

DynamicMemberList Financial Management database connection only. This function enables you to select a member list that is defined to support dynamic POV on the Entity dimension. DynamicMemberList is based on a POV, and takes Entity and Parent (optional) as parameters, If the Parent parameter is specified, the Parent name is used for all entities returned from the enumeration of the list. If the Parent parameter is not specified, then no substitution is done.


The enhanced Financial Management DynamicMemberList functionality is not available in Oracle Hyperion Financial Reporting.

Entity is based on the Scenario, Year, and Period defined at the POV level. Therefore, the system will not use Scenario, Year, and Period on the grid. If you place Scenario, Year, or Period on the grid, the following message is displayed: "5200: Error executing query: Scenario, year, and period must be specified on the point of view for a dynamic member list"


The DynamicMemberList can be executed from the Lists tab or Functions tab. On the Lists tab, you begin by selecting a (dynamic) list, then adding the Entity and Parent parameters. On the Functions tab, you begin by selecting the DynamicMemberList function, then selecting a dynamic list (DynamicNamedGroup), Entity, and Parent.

DynamicTimeSeriesMembers The following Dynamic Time Series members can be defined within Oracle Essbase. Only Dynamic Time Series members that are defined in the Essbase database are displayed in the Functions tab of the Select Members dialog box in Financial Reporting.
  • H-T-D History-to-date

  • Y-T-D Year-to-date

  • S-T-D Season-to-date

  • P-T-D Period-to-date

  • Q-T-D Quarter-to-date

  • M-T-D Month-to-date

  • W-T-D Week-to-date

  • D-T-D Day-to-date

These members provide up to eight levels of period-to-date reporting. How many members you use, and which members, depends on your data and database outline.


These members are used only with time-based dimensions and the lowest-level data. You can view H-T-D, Q-T-D, and M-T-D Dynamic Time Series members on the Functions tab if you select the Year dimension for the Sample application and Basic database.

For more information on Dynamic Time Series members, see the Oracle Essbase Database Administrator's Guide , Volume 1.

Match Extracts members that match a specified pattern or set of characters.


When using the asterisk (*) wildcard, the pattern can contain only one asterisk and it can only appear as the last character.

MatchEx Essbase only. Performs wildcard member selection. Essbase searches for member names that match the pattern you specify, and returns the member names it finds.


See "MATCHEX" in the Oracle Essbase Technical Reference for detailed information on this function. Financial Reporting only allows matching on the ALT|MBR|BOTH option.


Financial Management database connection only. This function enables you to perform arithmetic offset on only the Period dimension.


Arithmetic offset is the distance to move forward or backward from a specified level.

For example, to list this data:

Current Qtr Next Month

you set the parameters as follows:

Member = Current POV

Offset = +1

Hierarchy = Dim


PeriodOffset always spans the period and year combination. Therefore, if you select Jan offset -2 (assuming the year is 2002), the answer (member shown) would be Nov 2001.

Property Extracts members with the specified property value.
RelativeMember Perform arithmetic offset. Arithmetic offset is the distance to move forward or backward on a specified level.

For example, using this data:

Current Qtr Next Month

You could set the parameters as follows:

Member = Current Point Of View
Offset = 1
Hierarchy = Year
RelativeMemberList = Lev0, Year
UseFirstDescendant = checked

In this example, UseFirstDescendant = checked starts from the first descendant of Qtr1, which is Jan. The offset is +1, which makes the Next Month = Feb.


When using a time dimension, keep the offset in the same calendar year as the specified level. For example, if you start with June, you can offset back to January or forward to December.

Substitution Variables Stored in a directory for the selected dimension in the Select Members dialog box, substitution variables serve as placeholders for information that changes regularly. A variable value can be changed at any time by the Essbase administrator. These are useful for reports that depend on reporting periods. With a substitution variable, such as CurMnth, set on the server, you can change the assigned value each month to the time period.


The list of available Essbase substitution variables displayed in the Member Selection dialog is obtained when you start the Financial Reporting Report Client. If you add a new substitution variable using the Essbase Application Manager, you must restart the Report Client to see the addition. Anytime you run a report, the latest values for all Essbase substitution variables are used. You can view a CurrMonth substitution variable member on the Members tab if you select the Year dimension for the Sample application and Basic database. A substitution variable is preceded by a green square.

For more information on substitution variables, see the Oracle Essbase Database Administrator's Guide Volume 1.

SuppressSharedMember For Essbase and Oracle Hyperion Planning only, suppress the display of duplicate members. This function is only valid with the following functions: DIMBOTTOM, OFSAMEGEN, or ONSAMELEVELAS.


Use UNION and not AND to work correctly.

Range For Essbase, and Planning database connections, you can specify a range of members by selecting a start member and an end member of the range. For example, you can use the Year dimension to specify all months in the first quarter by selecting January as the start member of the range and March as the end member.

For Financial Management, the Range function applies only to the Period dimension. For example, to list this data:

Beginning Period Ending Period

for a range of members in the current quarter, you set the parameters as follows:

Start Member = July

End Member = September

Years to Iterate Over = 0

The number of iterations you specify determines the number of times you pass through the Period dimension. For example, if you specify 1 for the Years to Iterate Over parameter, the report spans July to September of the following year.


Do not use a Prompt and a Range function in the same grid when the Range function also includes Prompts.


The PeriodOffset function cannot be used as a parameter in the Range function.

SortHierarchy For Oracle Hyperion Web Analysis only, sort members in outline order, by hierarchy. It is translated into Essbase report script command <sortHierarchy. See Essbase documentation for details.
UserMemberList Essbase only. The members in a specified user-defined member list.