Saving a System Template as a Custom Template

You may want to customize the content of a system template.

Although you cannot edit system templates, you can use Save As on a system template to create a custom template that you can edit. The original system template is unchanged.


When you perform a Save As on an Oracle Essbase system template to save it as a custom template, you see a design-time prompt called Application in the new custom emplate. However, if you create a new custom template for Essbase, you do not see an Application design-time prompt in the template. Ignore the Application design-time prompt in the system templates you save as custom templates.

To save a system template as a custom template:

  1. In System View, right-click the business rule that contains the system template, and then select Open.
  2. Under New Objects or Existing Objects, or in the Rule Designer flow chart or script, right-click the system template, and then select Open.
  3. When the system template opens in the Template Designer, it will open as read-only. Click OK, then select Actions, and then Save As.
  4. In the Save As dialog box, enter a new name for the template, then select an application type, application, and cube, and then click OK.

    The new template is displayed in the Templates node of the application and cube that you selected. You can open it and customize it.


    You may need to refresh the application list in System View to see the new template. Right-click the Templates node, and the select Refresh.