Creating Users

When you create users, you define a unique name and assign roles. If a user is not assigned the Data Manager role, node access groups and property categories can be assigned to the user to control their access to data.


The @@ prefix on a user ID indicates an internal only user. You cannot create users with this prefix. Other @@ users include @@SYSTEM and @@STANDARD.

To create users:

  1. On the Home page, select Administer.
  2. From New, select User.
  3. Enter a unique user name and the full name of the user.


    Department, Phone, and Email Address are optional. Data governance workflow users must have an email address configured to receive email notifications.

  4. If mixed authentication is enabled for a Oracle Data Relationship Management application, select the authentication method for the user.
    • Internal––User is authenticated within Data Relationship Management.

    • CSS (External)––User is authenticated externally via Oracle Hyperion Shared Services.

  5. Optional: Select from the following options:
    • Password does not expire––PasswordDuration system preference setting is ignored.

    • Login session does not expire––IdleTime system preference setting is ignored.


      If this option is selected, the maximum allowable idle time is 24 hours. After 24 hours of idle time, the login session expires.

    • User is exempt from lockout measures––lockout restrictions are disregarded for this user.

  6. On the Roles tab, select roles from the Available list to assign to the user. Use the arrows to move roles to the Selected list.


    For additional information on roles, see User Roles.

  7. On the Node Access Groups tab, select groups from the Available list to assign to the user. Use the arrows to move the groups to the Selected list.
  8. On the Property Categories tab. select categories from the Available list to assign to the user. Use the arrows to move the categories to the Selected list
  9. For each category in the selected list, do the following:
    1. Click Edit button in the Action column and set the user's access (Read or Edit) to the category.
    2. Select Update button in the Action column to save the change.
  10. Click Save button.

    The Change Password dialog box is displayed.

  11. Enter a password for the user.
  12. Enter the password again.
  13. Optional: Select User must change password at next login to require the user to change their password the next time they log in.
  14. Click OK.