User Authentication

Oracle Data Relationship Management supports users that are natively authenticated by the application using stored password information or users that are authenticated by an external user directory. Each Data Relationship Management application is configured to support one or both types of users.

You set up application authentication on the Authentication Settings tab of the Data Relationship Management Console. For more information, see the Oracle Data Relationship Management Installation Guide .

Values defined for the following system preferences determine the characteristics of user passwords and when passwords expire for internal authenticated users:

  • PasswordPolicyEnabled––If enabled, the password must contain three of the following elements:

    • Uppercase letters

    • Lowercase letters

    • Numbers

    • Special characters

  • PasswordMaxLength––Determines the maximum character length for passwords.

  • PasswordMinLength––Determines the minimum character length for passwords.

  • PasswordDuration––Determines the number of days a password is valid.

  • PasswordWarningPeriod––Indicates how many days before (-) or after (+) the password expiration date to warn users to change their password before no longer allowing them to log in. A negative value, for example -3, indicates the user is warned at login during the 3 days prior to password expiration. A positive value, for example 5, indicates the user is warned at login during the 5 days after their password has expired. After the five-day period, the user cannot login without changing the password.


    Changes to the PasswordDuration and PasswordWarningPeriod values do not affect users until the next password change. For example, if PasswordDuration is set to 30 days and the password for User1 was changed 26 days ago, the password expires in 4 days. If you change the PasswordDuration value to 60 days, the password for User1 still expires in 4 days. After the user changes the password, the new password expires in 60 days.